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Posts posted by justlikeyou

  1. He played with them for over an hour? Geez didn't that get boring?


    Well, there won't be much more for awhile, so I guess it will do/does do. He has a nipple ring, does that mean anything? I will also ask him when I see him, but I am just hoping to get some advice in advance. I feel bad not being able to offer him much more than kissing right now.

  2. Hey! The guy I am dating and I don't have sex, but we do currently make out like crazy. He recently played with my nipples for over an hour . Can I return the favor? Is there an equivalent way to please him? Not oral. Can I kiss him or toy with his nipples in a similar way/effect?

  3. are you and you bro competitive? I think you should talk to him first and see if he is even interested. Also, is she worth it? Personally, I would want someone to want me full out over other people, but I have too much pride.

  4. About being 15, shy, and single. One, you will gain weight and have a growth spurt. Guys grow for a while longer, so smile about that. I personally prefer skinny men over muscle men, so kudos. Two, about being shy, look at all the other threads here, some of them have great advice, and I have used them to start talking to more people in general (not just guys). Three, 15 - you are so lucky. Dude, in retrospect, I am happy nothing happened for me in HS, but there are plenty of people in your shoes. I know guys who didn't have their first kiss until like 18 and they were super hot. Give it time. There others like me who have yet to have a boyfriend.


    I am bad at advice, but I hoped this helped a tad bit. Have a good day.

  5. How about roses? J/K. Something simple...? A puupy? hehe.


    Actually, some people think this cliche, but how about a cd...but only if you guys have talked about music before. So, if you have talked about music and sort of know what she may like, you could get her a CD. Oh, but be careful to avoid sappy, love music---this is key!


    Also, you could get her a book. Like most people like romantic things, but you could get her something silly. Maybe she is the type of girl who would like that. Hope that helps. Good luck!

  6. Hi everyone, you have always been a help before - hope you can do it for me again! Um, well basically, there was this guy this past summer who asked me if he could kiss me - we ended up kissing (granted I like him), but now I feel like a tramp. I am 21 and he is the first guy I ever french kissed/made out/hooked up with (whatever you want to call it). The reason why I feel this way is because since I have waited so long for the right person - kissing any random person makes me feel like I cheapen the whole experience. So any advice you could offer would be great - I just want to get over this "used" feeling. If I don't make sense, just ask, I will try to clear it up. Thanks in advance.

  7. So this is the short of it: I am a girl, and I want to wait until I am married and I only want to be with a virgin. I am 21, and the guy I am interested in has been with 2 girls. Should I give up and not pursue anything? Thanks for any advice you can offer me.

  8. Hey agentdre,


    this may seem like a simplistic response, but girls really do feel as self conscious if not more than guys. if you don't even try to talk to the girl, you may not even know if you had a chance. Also, the girl you think you may not have a chance with, may feel she doesn't have a chance with you - and you both just hit a standstill. Girls, more often than not, want you to come up to them. When you say drugs, I hope you just mean low level muscle mass builders, and not heroine, or whatever. Also girls "Type" range from football bodies to scrawny adorable tall boys - it runs the gambit.


    Feel better. I don't know who said it, but enotalone people feel just like you, that's why we are here. I only discovered this a few days ago, and I already feel better. Hope you find the same comfort.

  9. After all,statistics bear me out if you compare the number of shy virgin women vs shy virgin guys. There are just not enough girls to go around.


    Hi lonelynshy. Just to let you know. If you are talking about statistics, then I have to say by the tme people are married - approximately 1/2 girls was a virgin, 1/5 guys was. So, you please tell me, what do you mean there are not enough nice sweet shy virgin girls to go around? According to this, a guy who is currently a virgin could sleep with about two and a half girls before he gets married. So, my man, get out there and start macking it.

  10. well for me I knew I was in love the first time I asked myself, "Are you in love with him?" Once I asked the question - my friends knew I was a goner. Furthermore, once I though about it, one day I was talking to my friend, and I said, "I love him." It just came out - blurting it out = sure sign of love.


    Sadly, he doesn't love me. However, it is cool because if I ever fall in love again I can identify it.

    --Forever the optimist!

  11. Hi ya'll. I just wanted to tell you that glitter I feel the same way. I noticed that you haven't had all that many replies, however, check out the one about the 24 year-old who has never dated - you may find many helpful replies there. It is on this same forum page. I am 21, and a girl, and I have never dated too. All my friends have had 3 or more boyfriends,and my litte cousins kissed boys before me. I guess what helps me is that I am not the only one like me, and that it just takes one - as cliche and corny as that sounds. All my friends have broken up with their boyfriends, and once they do they are in the same position as me.

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