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Posts posted by RDW

  1. This girl is one girl in a million, and I'm sure she is special and different from any other girl, so I think you might ask her what she thinks of you, but be prepared for a NO as well as a YES. The thing is there is alot of girls, and I mean alot of girls out there. I know that you like her and this other guy might like her, but the thing is she is going to do what she wants wether it be she likes you or likes him. The thing is that another girl just like her will show up again. When your angry and having some women trouble you might not think as clearly because your emotions are going crazy right now. I now your not a kid or anything, but I do know that you are 16 and things seem to be overwheming when your that age.

    I know when I was 16 I just thought I didn't have a prayer because of my problems. But now that I'm older I have found that those things in the past were nothing, and I'm fine now. Don't smoke weed! You will get worse because you will be lazy and you will tend to think about your problems more in depth. And you will probably end up eating alot food which would probably make you miserable. Just remember that this is just a little part of you life, as you get older you will hit some bumps and rocks and stuff but it all turns out. Remember value your life, and think of who will miss you if you were not here. I think you have a right to talk to her if you feel like it, but make sure your ready for YES and NO answers.

  2. I know that you feel as if the world is coming down, and I believe that you are being exposed to something that should have never happened. I'm very sorry for what is happening. But things like this do happen. Your probably thinking why me, and that these problems will never level out, but I am here to tell you that it will get better. I know you are upset and might not take anyone seriously anymore because of distrust, but you are 18 yrs. old and you can handle it. I believe that your a stronger person than you believe you are. Just look you are already in college even thought you might be pulled out, but that is very responsible to my eyes, and your holding up to all the other stuff. You are a strong person I can tell. Try to just let things happen as they are going to, no need to stress, if it happens it happens. You have a lot of life to live and i'm sure your pretty smart because your in college, and also there are many other schools to go to and they can help you with grants if you need them. Right now it's hard, and I know that the family incidence eats you up, if you feel you have to talk to your parents be sure you know what you want to say so you can be clear to them, but I don't know your parents so make this decision carefully cause it could blow up in a big fued. Do you have someone to talk to besides friends and family, how about a teacher or some adult you trust. I think you need some comfort from someone and some assurance that it will be ok. It will be ok.

  3. What do you think is going on? Do you feel like something is happening?

    I Know that women sometimes have feelings about stuff like that and ignore it, but then it ends up being correct. I say if you have a gut feeling and think that he likes other people you should ask him. No point in dragging out a relationship that won't work. But I believe that you have some kind of feeling that something is going on. or maybe not, but I think you will know what to do, just put everything together in you head of whats going on. Does anything feel suspicious? I would'nt really accuse him but if it where me I would have a talk with him about what he see's in the future of your lives, and you just might stump him, that would make me spill the beans if I was caught with that question and knew I didn't want the realtionship. What ever happens, do what you got to do to make yourself comfortable. I do know that you will just worry yourself and hurt if you keep feeling these feelings. I.m just a guy so I really don't know how you feel as a women with this problem, but I'm also a guy and I now what guys can do.

  4. Sometimes its kinda hard to find someone compatible it can be unbearalbe. When I go out with my friends it also seems like they can impress all the girls, then I come in to action trying to be smooth and I dunno I just don't have alot of confidence either. I don't understand why I'm like this and it is hard to change youself overnight that is if you even want to change. I know it's all in my head, and I think girls can sense when a guy is a little unsure of himself. One thing I would try is going somewhere a little more comfortable. Im guessing but I might be wrong but do you and your friends go to bars and clubs. I think it's a little harder for myself to meet girls in places like that because usually the whole place is filled with people who have high self esteem and are ready to party and more than likely to go for a guy who is forward and assure of himself. So I would say to try somewhere a little less busy and maybe with not so many friends, but thats a guess since I'm not really sure where you and your friends go. It is really hard to just feel good about yourself and I think it just mulitplies your feelings and emotions when your having trouble finding the right women. This is common, I have found out by this website and I found out I'm not alone in my feelings, which makes it easier to cope with myself. But you are correct you are important to your family and it would be devistating if something happened to you. Its not the end for you, girls do like you, but you have to just give a little effort, girls usually don't just come talk to you, sometimes you have to just go for it, which is very difficult for me, but just has to be tried. I have a problem with picking things that I don't like about myself, but it's in my head, and I think you might have just talked yourself into the way you feel about yourself. But everyone has a chance to get the right girl it's just taking those first steps, feel good about youself, also work on coversation it helps to have something interesting to talk about. Just remember that this is common and your not the only one. These are just opinions from what I've learned about myself and from others.

  5. Your head naturally loses a little hair when you brush or shower and should not be a problem. But a good way to find out if you might go bald or lose some hair in the future is to check you mothers dads hair. The gene for you hair usually comes from your mothers side. My father started noticably loosing his hair around my age 24, but my moms dad has a full set of hair and I also have a full set of hair.


  7. It really sucks to feel like you have to explian your not having a girlfriend and being a virgin to your friends. I'm a virgin also and sometimes I actually have to get away from my friends because of what they say. I know my friends are kidding but it seems so wrong for them to talk about my business which to me is serious, sometimes it feels like I will never have anyone to be with. I'm 24 years old and kinda learning about how to deal with this extra baggage I carry (being a virgin). To me it feels like I have to go and just get It over with just do my thang, but It just dosen't fell like the right thing to do. I also feel real lonely and sometimes depressed because I think I will never have a wife or a family to love because of my little self esteem problems, and just my being nervous to have sex. But It can't be like this forever. I know that it can suck to think of yourself as not good looking, But looks don't always count, there are girls who will like you for your good qualities such as being funny, and smart, but telling youself you don't look good is a hard hit to your confidence. Its hard to be positive when you feel so unattractive which was a big problem for me in high school. But you just got to be thankful for who you are and what you have to offer people, like making friends laugh and just having fun with your life. There is someone for everyone, and I will find the person I'm looking for, and I'm sure you will find someone too it just takes a little time. Don't get discouraged by my being older and having the same problems because everyone is different, and it just taking me a little longer to find a good girlfriend, but It also took me time to build up my confidence, and I get a little better everyday. Also don't dwell on not having kissed a girl or being a virgin, your time will come and you'll find someone. Just don't pressure yourself, and you should'nt have to explain why you don't have a girlfriend, It's your life.

  8. When your finding your boyfriend or husband whatever it may be, you should probably look were you go to look for guys. Now if you going clubin or to a bar, you might not find a good guy. (not saying you go to bars to pick up guys) but alot of the time I think It's where meet the guys at. When I'm looking for a girlfriend I usually go to places where theres a decent environment like maybe a park or grocery store. Well probably not those places but somewhere a nice girl would hang out at. This just a suggestion I thought i would throw out there. Also maybe the bad guys you go out with is usually the same type of guys, so everytime you have break up or he's a jerk, you might turn to the same type of guy. Dating diffrent kinds of people could probably sort out the problem. I'm not saying you've got a bad selection, but this might be a couple of areas to look at. Me myself I fall in the %25, which I think might be a little low of a percentage. Theres someone out and about who will treat you good and also wouldn't mind doing dishes, and also would probably iron for you, but to get down to it you've probably just got some bad guy luck over and over again but the next might be that good guy, just don't give up theres alot more good men than you think. Also I had the same problem with the girls I've dated in the past, and it is kinda hard to find someone who is right for you, it just takes time and sometimes it takes getting to know someone in and out before a relationship.

  9. I also am a little jelous of my friend who gets all the girls, But guess what when I'm looking for a girl I would surely make sure I like her. See the difference between the good guys like me and the "bad boys" like my friend is, I want to be wanted for more than just a sexual way, but more like a close friend that you can talk to and share ideas and just feel comfortable with. Now I'm not cutting down my friend because he can't help he is good looking and can get the ladies, it's just the way it is, when your forward and you know what you want which is the "bad boy" image, you usually can get what you want. When your a "good guy" or just not down with just doing what they do, don't do it. Do what you think is right, if you don't like to be with a woman just to mess around with her, don't, just don't be pushed into doing something if you see your friends doing it. Just remember for all the good guys in the world theres surley the same amount of good girls in the world its just hard to find them because there usually shy and quite or just haven't crossed your path yet. But remember don't dwell on what others can get, focus on what kind of girl you like, write down some qualities you like in a girl, It might help you narrow down what your looking for in girlfriend and what kind of personalities you like. Try not to look at the beauty of the girl because that sometimes can sidetrack what your really looking for. I know all this stuff might sound corny but Its the way I see it. whatever you do don't beat yourself down about the way you look because the only thing that can do is cause self esteem problems. There is a hot girl out there for you it just might take a little time to find who is compatible with you.

  10. At sixteen alot of things are going to happen in your life some good some bad. I've always had friends that joked around with me about girls and things of that nature when I was a 16 and I know its hard to ignore them sometimes because it might make you feel useless or like you are just behind everybody in the girl department. You have to realize sometimes people will say things to make themselves look good in the moment, or to make fun of someone who is diffrent wether it be by looks or how they act. I say look twice at your friends make sure there your friends. how do your friends treat you when there not joking with you, are they cool towards you or just kinda brush you off. I'm not saying to not be there friends just make sure there your real friends. Also on the talking to girls and stuff maybe you should find your good quality, what make you a good person. Then you can use it to meet a girl. ex: Im good at drawing, so if I see someone with art on there notebook or folder I might say, nice drawing, or did you draw that which in turn might bring good conversation.

  11. Im goin through the same thing, and I understand how it feels when you see other peoples lives and relationships, and I just feel like I'm kinda being left behind in the romance and family section of life. Even thought I don't have the answers because I'm dealing with same problems, I do know that when I start to feel like I'm not going anywhere I just say to myself that there is someone out there and maybe I won't meet them today or tomarrow or maybe even a year from now, I do know I will not be alone. Your 21 and you have alot of life to be lived, and you have alot of women to choose from. So don't feel as if you are loosing touch with something that everyone else has, but focus on yourself and what you would like in a women, when you find out what your looking for personlity wise or looks whatever it maybe, it might be a little easier to find someone if you know what your looking for.On another note I'm a virgin and I get alot of crap from people, but I comfortable with my decision, and someday I will find the someone, and I hope you do to.

  12. Ive noticed alot of problems with realationships are from low self esteem.

    I'm new to this site, and have got alot of good info for myself, but I'm curious about how to better myself in the self esteem category. I'm not bad looking and my friends say I look cute, but I always seem to point out a particular parts of myself and discriminate against it. Usually it's I'm to skinny or my feet look to big or my body doesn't look right. So I'm wondering how others deal with this. Being if you have this problem or not its good to see 2 sides of a story. Now you might just be thinking man he is such a girl, but I think about the way my body looks even if I am alright looking. This affects my personal life as well as my romantic life (still a virgin) . I work out to make myself look better and I eat healthy but I always seem to go back to feeling sorry for myself and the way I look. Is this just a complex that will go away? I would like to know how someone else has delt with this, and how they bettered themselves to better self esteem.

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