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Posts posted by ryno5415

  1. I've known this girl since elementary school, and we're great friends.(and no im not gay) She is the hottest girl at my school (blonde hair, beautiful face, and a nice @ss.) and she makes me laugh. What more could u ask for? Anyway, she has a boyfriend though In addition, this boyfriend is my best friend. So if i asked her to dump him and go out with me, hed hate me. But this girl has been flirting w/ me sooo much. Shes even come over to my house like 10 times. One time she came over with her bathing suit and asked me to go swimin with her (i live on the beach) Shes even taken me to a concert. I seriously think she likes me more, since she never hangs out w/ her bf, and she does all those things. I really really really like her. But what should i do. Ask her out and tell her to dump her bf and make him hate me. Or wait i dont know how long until she dumps him. If she does dump him I will ask her out. What should I do???

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