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Posts posted by edexter73

  1. She has been violent in the past, for example, one night after she had broken up with me for the hundredth time, I woke up with her standing over me yelling about some girl I don't know who that she thought I was seeing and proceeding to punch me in the lip a couple of times before I could even get up! Is that violent enough. I later found out she had sex with some dude she met at a bar that night. Anyway she is now on meds, about a month now and she seems to be better and she swears she is not the same anymore. I don't know the deal with depressoin and medicine and all that crap. She doesn't drink anymore, that made her much worse. She was like jeckl and hyde before the meds and the sobriety. I think she is sincere but I am holding alot of anger and resentment from the past so it is hard for me to deal.

  2. I hae been in a real mess of a relationship for about two years. The woman I am seeing is bipolar and some other things I can't explain. She has cheated on me more times than I have fingers but seems to have a way to get out of it and sound like it is not her fault. She is diagnosed bipolar and is on meds. It comes down to the last breakup, one of about 50 or so in the past two years, all her doing. She admitted some very disturbing things and used the depression excuse for all of it. During the last breakup I met a wonderful woman whom I have alot in common with and am very attracted to. We went out once and it was great. My old woman wants to get back together and I con't say no, because she is relentless and crazy and I can't say no to her. I am still talking to the new girl and neither one knows of the other. I don't know what to do. On one hand I still care for number one but I am so into the new one. should I try to see them both at the same time? I can't break number ones heart cause she scares me to death, she is crazy as hell. But number two is so cool and it is a new beginning. What should I do?

  3. I think it all comes down to the fact that she cheated before. You never get that out of your head, she should know that and have the respect of not putting herself in situations that would come off as suspicious. I have much experience in cheating girlfriends, she sounds shady to me, be cautious dude!!!!

  4. I know it hurts dude, most of us have dealt with similar situations, I have a girl who has cheated 5 times that I know of and messes around with other men only hours after she breaks up with me. We break up and get back together all the time. I can tell you from experience that it is not worth it, give her one more chance if you can do it but no more, believe me, my life is pure hell I am just a glutton for punishment. You are young and have a long dating life ahead, remember: Cheats once, shame on her. Cheats twice, shame on you!!!! Good Luck Dude!!!

  5. I hear you loud and clear, I am the same exact way. Let me tell you, I know what it feels like to not trust and it really hurts both parties invoved. I am in a 1and half year relationship with my girl and have yet to trust her. It has caused many a fight, it is just an overactive defense mechanism, you want to think the worst so when it does happen you won't be surprised, right?? I have tried and tried to trust but it is hard. I will start trusting and than something will happen that makes me wonder and bam!!! it starts all over again. In my opinion there are only a few things that can help. 1. get professional help 2. Be alone so you have no one to worry about 3. Find someone who is willing to put up with it and maybe it will go away. Whatever you do please know you are not alone, I understand what you are dealing with. I hope I helped a little bit, good luck!!

  6. I am soo sorry I interpreted your story wrong. You said he caght me in the act and I took that as something else. I am not a jerk I just read something wrong, please accept my appology!! In the case of him cheating on you, don't put up with it, it will never end. I have done the snooping thing myself and found out some bad things. Save yourself alot of future heartache and move on alone. Once again I can't say how stupid I feel my earlier reply. Good luck and God bless!!!!

  7. I hate to tell you this but you are feeling the way you are because you cheated on him. Your insecure now, thinking he might try to get back at you for what you just did to him, am I right? I really think you should sit down and talk about this to him, the trust dam has been busted and it is hard to stop the leaks but it is possible, good luck!!!!

  8. First of all, it doesn't take 6 hours to get blood drawn, second, the old turn the cell off routine is a dead giveaway. Had it done to me plenty of times, done it myself before. Come on dude, go with your gut, get the truth and get the hell out!!!!

  9. Hi there, I am new to this site but I know exactly what you feel right now. I have been with a woman for 1and half years now and I have felt that feeling at least 10 times now and it doesn't get easier. About 5 of those times were confirmed, I know I should go but that is me. Anyway, I say go with your gut feeling especially if you weren't a jealous person to begin with. Your gut is usually right, believe me I know. Sit this woman down and get the truth, it is much easier than wondering. Your health and well being will suffer, I promise you that. I used to feel sick to my stomach wondering and when the truth came out it hurt yes but at least you know and you can go from there. Good luck.

  10. I have been dating a woman for a year and a half, I am 31 she is 28. Our relationship has been up and down the whole time. We got together when she was going through a divorce after 3 years of marriage I had been divorced for 3 years. I did not trust her from the start, she is very sexual and flirtacious, she cheated on me 2 months in to our relationship. I let it go and took her back but it was always in the back of my mind. She continued to use him as a weapon against me whenever we got in a fight,called him went to his house etc. I decided it would be a good idea to make her see the light by doing the same thing she did to me but it backfired and just made things worse. She ended up cheating on me twice in a week only stopping because I found out. We had several more breakups and getting back together episodes. During one she told me not to see anyone else and neither would she but she was seeing someone else and they ended up having sex. We got back together again but she was still having contact with him, using him against me also. She finally stopped and things were going good or so I thought. She cheated on me again twice in one week with an ex whom she has never gotten over. It has been like this the whole time, I have left out several more infidelities for times sake. Here is another problem. Our sex drives are so far apart, she needs so much sex and attention that I have a hard time keeping up. She thinks I am not attracted to her enough because of it. I am wondering if it is me not being attracted to her anymore because of all the past problems. I will lose erections in the middle of sex, oral and regular, my mind is not there. But I do love her and I think I am sexually attracted to her but I don't know. I have never had erection problems with past girlfriends but I have with women that just didn't do it for me. Is this relationship doomed. She told me she couldn't take the sexual problems anymore and wants to break up. Is this worth fighting for? We are emotionally so close and are best friends. She lives right down the street from me and I don't know if I can handle seeing other men at her place when I drive by, this is killing me because I love her and still want her but she is so indifferent. What to do?

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