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Everything posted by nerdycool

  1. Hi. I'm a very shy person who doesn't really talk that much. I can go for hours without saying anything, and it doesn't bother me. My problem is, whenever my boyfriend and I take trips together, or even going out to eat, there is silence. At first I didn't think anything of it because I knew he realized I don't talk much. But then I found out he get frustrated because of it. He's started pressuring me to talk during road trips, but to be honest, that stresses me out! Then I can't think of anything to talk about because I'm just so upset thinking I'm inadequate. To my knowledge, I don't have any speech problems... I speak fluent English, my hearing's good, no slurring/lisping/etc. either. I think I'm socially undeveloped, that's all. I've talked to him about me not talking a lot and he says he understands... and then he goes and expects me to talk my head off! But I find it difficult to talk to people about everything and anything nonstop. I'm just not like that. So my questions are, is being non-talkative normal? and how do I get over the stress of conversing and talking with ease? Thanks ahead for any replies
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