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Posts posted by bluey

  1. hi just wanted to know what you guys think before i do anything. ok i've known this girl for about 2 yrs we are good friends i really like her. we have been out before but decided it was best as friends. but i still like her



    so anway we were in a lesson together and we started playfighting and she playfully hit me and stuff the she started drawing on my arm sounds weird i know but i got my pen out and started havin a little pen fight . so we started grabbing each others hand to get the pens. so we got out the lesson and at lunch she started doing it again. chased each other and ran from each other and had a little water fight. we normally do stuff like this most days. but shes is a very playful girl sometimes her playing can lead to peple thinking its flirting and getting her in trouble. i would say she does it to some other guys but not as much as me and theres isnt so much contact.



    theres another problem aswell. she has a bf. there aren't really that close. she broke it off about a month back beacuse of that and he wanted her back. i know all he wants is sex from her all my freiends can see it but they are back together but not that close they dont often hold hands they only thing they really do is when they sit together he normally puts his arm round her or she sits on his lap. i dont think she really wanted to get back with him. but anyway what do you think flirting or not and if its flirting what do you do you think i should do about the bf situtation



  2. dont worry about it i had exactly the same problem now im fine with speeking to her. all you need to do is realx stay calm try and maybe pick up on what you talked about on msn. but just relax think of her as one of your best mates who you talk to all the time. and if that dont work it will get better with time like it did with me

  3. hi i am really confused. about 10 months ago i fell i love with a close frind she only liked me as a frind so i went through pain and depresion till she finally got a b/f about a month ago. it hurt me soo much but we still wanted to be frinds so i decided enough was enoguh and one day it just clicked and i was over her. so about a week ago all of our feinds had a day out she was thewre without her b/f. we had a great day and me and her kind of flirted with each other. so we went o this park her b/f was there she went over her a in then came back then she had a bad acident but he just laughed at her and didnt come over so i sat with her for a bit because she was real upset. at the end when everyone had gone he came over and didnt say much to each other he just kind of walked off. he was really upset so she asked me for a hug. i held her in my arms and all my feelings just came rushing back to me. then at school i saw them talking which really hurt and is something which never used to phase me. so they got back together. but now i am on a school break i havent seen her in a few days and its driving me madi just keep thinking about all the things they could be doing together. so i really dont know what i feel how could i be over her and a stupid hug make everything change.

  4. ok this is a really long message but coud you please read it thanks. there this girl we have been frinds for 2 years i really love her she knows. she started goin out with a guy 2 weeks ago i decided to move on and just be friends. so on saturday a big group of us went out. her b/f wasnt there. so we started talkin like usual then she started trying to get a football of me so we had a little game of basketball together. so we eventually stop and carryed on. then she decided to put grass down my shirt so i did it back and she chased me. so we caryed on walkin. wehen we got there me mates were watchin tv so we started havin arm wrestles then little games like that. then i stoped watch tv and she started hittin me playfully so i did it back and we had a little play fight.then made a secret handshake up. then she started pokin me. so we went out again. her b/f was down the park where we went she went over for a few secs then came back we played soccer for a bit. i was in goal she ran up ftront then kept coming back to speek to me. so we had a rrest and she started climbing this thing. she fell off and really hurt her self. but her b/f just laughed and didnt come over she started to cry so all me mates comforted her i sat with her for a while. then all me mates went. it was just me and her. her b/f came over so i went to the side. he laughed at her and walked off again. she was reall upset and asked for a hug off me so i hugged her for a while then sat down and put my arm round her then she held my hand. so she got picked up and went home. so today i had a lesson with her. and we started playin hangman and o's n x's with each other. she gave the ocasional quick galnce at me and sometimes a bit longer when i had my head down. so i got to break and she was talkin to her b/f today dunno whats ging on with them because she left at lunch time. so anywho would you say she was flirting with me or just being friendly. thanks if you reply i know that was alot to read

  5. hi. i am pretty bad at giving advice so sorry if this is useless. what i think you should do is the sushi idea aslong as you know you can easily talk to him. because you dont want to be just be sitting there. spend some time with him aswell think he'll get the hint then. if you want to be sure you should get a friend to ask if he would ever consider it.when you ask him out dont think about what can go wrong think about what would happen if he said yes and how happy you would be. also just do it when i have people out i never want to do it but i normally force the words out and it works.

  6. hi i have posted a few messages on this forum about this so dont get pissed with me if i keepin asking about this. anyways bin frinds with this girl for 2 yrs and about 10 mnths back fell deeply in love with her. i really love so i dont want anyone to tell me i dont cause that wont help. so she knows that i love her and so on. about a month ago she started really liking this guy she tryed to keep it from me but i found out so a few days ago she asked him out he said yes. she said sorry and everything never wanted to hurt me blah blah blah. i am really kind of depressed now. so anyway to make matters worse he was pissed when he asked her out and within like a few hours he had fingered her. but shes not that type of girl i really think that she will just go along with anything he does cause she like him so much. anyway bit off topic there so yeh could anyone tell me what i should do. i am still friends with her but everytime i think of them it hurts me and everytime i see them together i just want to die. i need to know what to do. i cant stop seeing her thats the only thing i dont want to do. i have tryed to get over her before so i dont know if that will works. plzz could someone help.



  7. thanks for the advice guys. i know its real love not lust or desire because i don't really care if i get sex or anything like that out of a relationship with her, all i want is to be with her and hold and care for her. i know i cant get over her i have tryed loads of times. its not just the 3 days aswell i have been friends with her for about 2 years. what think i am going to do is try to think of her as a friend and get to know her. i think i do act weird around her compared to my other friends that are girls. so think i am gonna start treating her as one of my friends and not the girl i love. what you think?

  8. i need some help especially from any ladies. i've been in love with this girl for 9 months. by love i mean real love proper love like if you found the girl that you want to be with forever. anyways we are good friends and she know exactly how i feel about her. so today i got my friend to ask her if she would ever go out with me again ( i went out with her for 3 days btw). he came back to me and said she would probably go out with me if i didnt like her as much. so, have i scared her off by saying that i loved her. my friend also said that to get eventually get her i should have a fling with another girl so she thinks i dont like her as much. could someone tell me first if i have scared her off and second if i should try doing that.



  9. hi. i really need some help. i got really good friends with this girl about a few years ago but, for the past 9 months i have been in serous love with her. she has taken over my life. she knows how i feel about her. i went out with her for about three days a few months back but she said it wasnt working . when i was with her i found it really hard to speak to her is that normal?. i know she has a crush on this over guy and i know i really dont stand a chance. i have tryed to think of her as just a friend but i just cant.i cant ger over no matter how hard i try. i have been serously depressed on and off over the past 9 months. could someone tell me what to do wait and try again with her, ask her if she wants to give it another go or what. please could someone help i hate feeling like i have always got to be with her and i hate being jealous even when its my best friends she talking to. please i really need some help.



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