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Posts posted by BigSyke

  1. im gonna sum it up for everybody. Ill use my Ex for an example. Key positive features about her;


    -Body amost built in a factory (probably half was)

    -Had a personality of a thousand girls combined, there was no dull moment with her.

    -instantly has an aura which made you laugh, comfortable, relaxed and feel positive, almost impossible to find now days.

    -more money than god

    -sucsessful, famous, popular and alot of the times loyal as can be.

    -the sex was unreal, beyond words.

    -the most beautiful/sexy girl anybody I know has seen to date.

    -had a ferrari at age 23


    The bads;

    -Had fake breasts, and possibly butt.

    -Attracted too much attention

    -Morals were 0, slept with guys who were on a homeless level.

    -low self esteem/concept, Had a father, but he beat her.

    -was a stripper, and went into the adult business from ages 18-23

    -Drinked a bit too much

    -had an abortion with my child.

    -when she wasnt loyal, she WASNT LOYAL, you didnt want to make her angry

    -Her best friend had sex with over 1000 guys in her lifetime.


    Now there are goods, and bads. Her goods seemed to WAY out weigh the bads, but the bads were there. The fact is, I couldnt be 100% happy with some of the bads. Her having fake breasts did affect our relationship, even though it wasnt a bad thing. It attracted negative attention.


    The point is, even though she was perfect, and way out of my league, there was that ONE bad thing that I couldnt live with.


    So the guy with a small penis, is going to have to find a girl who will accept that. And its not wrong to want to break up with somebody because they have a problem that they cant control. Im sure that guy will find another woman, but maybe the OP just is looking for something else. Its a feature she doesnt like, and you couldnt blame any woman for not liking that, its a huge brick wall in a relationship, just like not having legs, how are you supposed to go out to the club?

  2. Heres the deal, larger guys mostly think their size means, there is no skill involved. Because their big, they automatically think their pleasing the woman. Smaller guys have more work to do, and sometimes this results in more pleasure, because the smaller guy is switching it up, and aiming more to please.


    However if you have a large sized guy, that knows how to please a woman, Im almost 100% sure that is going to be better than a smaller guy. Its common sense.

  3. Dude, you're full of yourself!



    are you serious or joking? clearly you are joking. Its obviously an issue else she would not be creating a thread about it. This is like saying I will settle for 2nd best. I might be full of myself, but you have tunnel vision. Beating around the truth, feeding her some BS is almost as bad as saying "yea your boyfriend is addicted to porn, but thats a good thing, keep him, and you will be happy"

  4. size matters, but only if you know how to use it. There are variables. I personally have learned to use my size to my advantage. If you can train your mind, and be physically fit, your always going to be better off.


    If you have a large one, but dont know how to use it, or how to please a girl, it really is only a temp thing. This is why you get better as time goes on. Guys wiht small ones have to make up for it some how, just like people who arent blessed with good looks, have to make up for it in personality.


    From feed back from many girls, I have found that I was the best, why? because I not only work out all the time, I have a large one, but I train myself to last longer. I have also been with women very experienced, so they always tell you the best tips. Most women like foreplay, before and durring. You wanna make each time different. This is all IMO/

  5. Think about this, some of my EX's usually come back to me after they have dated around, because Im not so small. Size does kind of matter in the long run. Maybe I was gifted, but if you think about it, would you really want to spend the rest of your life, with a guy who has a small penis?


    The girl I was about to marry, up and left me for some guy, but he just happened to have a small one. I was her dirty little secret. Personally I would say drop him, because that is embarresing

  6. should i persue this one? saying i dont want this breakup to fully go down, since we were planning on moving in together in the summer (bought a place with her in mind)


    I dunno if I give her time, she will fade away, or do I try and prove that i truly care about her.



    im just really hurting bad right now at work, im going crazy, she hasnt answered any of my texts. However she said I could drop off her V-day gift tonight maybe, Should i drop off flowers and lots of other stuff too?

  7. I guess she totally hates me, like whoa! I can tell by the way she talks, just straight up B****y.


    Again to clear up confusion, I am not sitting there and accusing her, I make it a point NOT to do that. I only asked her if she was talking to somebody ONE TIME because she went to a movie a V-day with somebody, and this is when it all went down hill.


    I just dont get it, she is making things up. I cheat, lie, bla bla bla all the time, and never believe her. Not true. If she tells me something, i take her word for it. I just dont know what to do.


    I really want to salvage this one, do i give her time?

  8. im 22, shes 18, and no im not being immature, ive been in all sorts of long term relationships with ages from 18-30.


    however i guess i questioned it because she will not have sex with me, literally tells me "i just dont wanna have sex with you, i dunno....." we did once and she said it was awsome, but i dunno..this is probably why i became suspicious

  9. but im not though, i never accuse her. If something is indeed shady, i think about it, and then nicely ask her. I have NEVER accused her of having sex, or dating somebody else. I only asked her if she was talking to somebody else because she compares me all the time, and always ask's if we should break up....who always asks that?


    Plus there are plenty of other signals i have picked up on, but dont say anything.

  10. So my girl and i have been together about 2 months...ive tried to be the best boyfriend ever. Well maybe i guess i havent been good enough. She always keeps trying to question our relationship. Tonight i guess she had it, shes done?


    I got an email from somebody who said My girlfriend was talking to their boyfriend, and trying to hook up with him. SO i asked her. Well i guess that ended it, because i was "always" accusing her of cheating and talking to other guys, even though i havent. She got REALLY REALLY REALLY defensive. I guess I add too much stress on her, even though Im always trying to be happy and positive around her, and talk nothing about our relationship. I though things were perfect, and she said things were perfect too. I just asked her why she questions this so much, and if she had other options, that was the only reasoning i could think of. I have alot going on, Im getting a Nice big place in 8 days, i just got a HUGE bonus that i wanted to spend on her....WHY would she do this all teh sudden?


    She really drilled into me on the phone making me feel like dirt. Im such a burden in her life, a horrible boyfriend, and shes sick of being accused. i almost thought she was drunk or somthing. Yea im not perfect, but I REALLY try to be the sweetest guy in the world, and AM the most loyal.


    She wants a huge break, possibly a breakup, more than likely a breakup she said. And i didnt know what I did? I didnt do anything but ask her If that email was true. This girl seriously is a keeper, of all the girls i have ever dated, she has the most potential by FAR. what do I do? time is running out, i need a game plan.

  11. just be thankfull you guys have a relationship. Ive tried everything in the book, to get my girl to see me....i would purposely leave something at her house, so i could see her maybe more than once a week.


    She always says rude things like "ohh are you working with your hottie co-worker?" I guess no matter what i cant see her for even 5 minutes to give her the paycheck i pretty much dropped on her. Shes going to a 6 hour movie, with her out of town dad....adn the same thing on sunday.


    Trust me you might think you have it bad, but these dudes just need a wake up call, end it with them for a week, then see what happens. Me, i feel like im worse than single, when your girl says she will NEVER have sex with you, even on V-day....but then goes and says how she used to have sex too much with her ex, really makes you want to blast yourself.....im sure she is with some guy, which is the only thing i can add up..



    usually when she is with her "dad", she answers the phone....or at least responds to my textss.....i hate this holliday

  12. well we worked things out, sorta....


    Today is v-day, and for some reason she is busy? how is this? we planned something. Now she is going to a movie till late late. She is ignoring my calls. And she said her dad gets back in town sunday....hmmm


    she also joked around saying i could have sex with who ever i wanted, because she was doing that.....and I kept asking "are you serious?" * * *B?


    she finally said oh im just kidding......connection? shes only 18, i usually date 24+

  13. honestly, from what it sounds like, her EX was perfect, but he moved or something. I guess tonight while i was in an epic struggle to keep her on the phone, using my sales pitch tactics and foreinsics, she said crying "i deserve somebody perfect, why couldn't you just be perfect"


    I told her nobody is perfect, and she said "yes, one guy is...bla bla bla my ex bla bla bla....i gotta go" click.


    So yea i dunno. So far i have had everybody convince her including my parents that I am not talking to my EX. and that my EX is just trying to break us up. She still doesnt accept it. Such a shame.......


    I tried to bust out NC on saturday, but it worked in her favor i guess, she met like 30 dudes......i dunno i have to pick up the strength and let another one go.


    However I did absolutely NOTHING wrong in this relationship, i dont understand. She would just believe my ex over me all the time. EVen when i had my phone statements right in front of her.



    And when i say nothing wrong, means, I seriously worshiped this woman, literally I agreed with anything she said, even if it WAS wrong. If she needed anything, i would drop what i was doing and be over there within 10 minutes. I would never question her, doubt her, seriously the "hollywood" type model boyfriend....


    Most girls would KILL for a guy like that.

  14. BRO! same spot, my past 3 relationships all ended in relation to myspace. They would NOT stop meeting guys on there, nomatter what i did. 1 year relationship down the drain because of myspace.


    Listen to me and helloladies. That is the best advice i have read, EVER! its soo true.


    You could be with the most faithful girl ever, but if you dont set boundarys and stick up for yourself, you WILL get dumped/cheated on, happeneded to me 7 times, with 7 different girls.



    For instance, ive been with this girl for some time now, and she was probably the most loyal girl i have met. She told me she doesnt drink/party/talk to other guys, and is totally mature bla bla bla....sure, i believed her for a while, but she would talk to her ex on myspace, then go see him. I was ok with it.


    Now last night i was cheated on, by a girl i never expected to EVER cheat on me. I treated this girl like a god. NEVER AGAIN! stick up foryourself!



    As hard as it might be, im with you in this fight, i have to let my girlfriend go, as she wants to be with some other guy, for who knows what reason.


    I switched roles with my girlfriends...im supposed to be the alpha dog, im better supported/stable than most girls i meet. I just dont act like a "guy" i want to spend all my time with the girl, and not go out and party/raise hell. Being in the prime of my life, and blessed with good looks/personality/charisma, i should be taking advantage of the single stages....


    however 18-22yrs old, i spent about 70% of my time mourning over a girl, or getting cheated on.


    The more you put up with this, the more your soul gets broken down, till your just a carpet for other females.


    ....and to make it easier to break up with her, pretend like you dont even know her....it might be hard, but a month later you will be happy, because human nature will make her chase you. much easier that way.

  15. no its a different girl i started dating right after the last one....and the last one got an abortion, and got married in vegas from what i hear....


    ive tried telling her how i feel, ive tried really hard and this relationship i have done nothing wrong. nothing.

  16. Ive been in a relationship with a girl for a few months so far..and so far she doesnt trust me. My Ex would constantly be trying to break us up, even though she is now married.


    My girlfriend thinks im still talking to her, even though i have not contacted her for months. Im starting to get broken up with alot now, and having to use my "sales" skills to reason with her.


    up till yesterday, things have been PERFECT! We were getting a place together.


    Its starting not to work anymore. Yesterday she called me at 8am, saying that Im still sleeping with her. This isnt true because I wait for my girlfriend every night, i dont even go out anymore.


    I guess last night my girlfriend broke up with me and didnt tell me. She ended up hooking up with a few guys. Shes really a good girl.


    Today ive been trying my hardest to make things work, i have been the perfect boyfriend this whole relationship, and keep doing things to prove how much i care.


    She doesnt want to see me anymore, not even for 5 minutes, and im not doing ANYTHING WRONG! somebody please imput on what i can do, to prove that im not a player, and i care about her.


    What do i have to do, to get that connection back that we had...


    Yesterday i gave her space, didnt call her all day, and it turned against me.

  17. yea i guess i have been with enough girls who act scandolous. This is new to me, but i almost expected something on the lines of this, but never prepaired.


    She made me feel like i couldnt get anybody even close to her, and that i never deserved her. I almost want to post her myspace page for everybody to gawk at. and for people to see the progress of the breakup through the comments

  18. true i am doing very well, however still in pain. If it wasnt for this new girl i would probably be in complete devistation, and who knows where i would be.


    Im focusing on new things, and i have been talking to the EX now, and its almost better that way, because every conversiation we have shows how MESSED UP this person is. I said i need time away to get over this, she says im scary and needs to be smoked by her new boyfriend aka Thug B-RealHomie (thats his name!)


    Blonde business women turned gangster, the new girl i have now is very sweet, non-scandolous, and is more mature even though she is about 5 years younger. She also has a career and goes to school full time.


    Its still hard having all my buddies call me laughing at her new boyfriend. One of those couples you think that its the hot mom, and troubled son. But really its boyfriend and girlfriend. Just makes me feel kinda low that she would leave me for somebody like that.




    OH AND HERES A CRAZY UPDATE!!!! Thug B-realhomie made her drop out of college so they could be together at his dads house all the time. She only had 3 months left till she finished her 4 year. HAHA!!! She didnt seem to happy about her decision, but her excuse was this and i QUOTE!


    "i really love him, hes funny kinda, i dunno i just need to have sex alot of the time, and spending time driving 2 hours a day to school just wastes time, he said drop out and his music career will take off and he will support me......I believe he will be big some day"


    I dont know if this was a joke, but she hasnt been going to school according from multiple sources!

  19. update:


    saw the ex's boyfriend shes been seeing while we together. Hurt like hell. Definatly worse than i expected. I saw his myspace, hes really into drugs, alcohol and sex with alot of different women. Worse is that hes Very over weight, about 300lbs, while my ex is around 115lbs. He's also a "white" gangbanger.


    Definatly not what i expected, and im really confused why such a beautiful girl would choose a guy like that, and have sex with him!!!! im so hurt again, i feel like i just took 10 steps back. I also feel so low because she left me for a guy like that!

  20. yea, heres an update, so ive been getting more involved with this other girl. Things are kinda old school with her, no kissing till about the 6th month, no sex until 1 year...whatever. But ive been hanging out with her alot, and shes been getting attached. 2 days ago, my ex somehow cracked into my phone records, adn saw that this was the only person i was calling. Well they ended up talking, she was telling the new girl, that we still have sex, all this BS.


    Well it took me 2 days to get the new girl to talk to me again. Now its back to normal, after showing her my phone records and voicemails. Anyway i dont feel that much with this new girl, even tho shes almost too good to be true.


    Anyway i havent contacted my ex at all, and 5 minutes ago she called. She wanted to talk, and meet up to exchange items. I said WHAT ITEMS> she said, i dunno, you might have some things over here. Anyway she said this would have never happened if I wouldnt have Taken a step back.


    She then said her new fiancee was too fat to have good sex with, and the wedding is this summer!!!! HAHAHAHAHA i feel good now! shes just 100% gold DIGGIN!


    Im starting to think about other things more, i dont cry anymore, and the ups and downs are less intense. I think this is because she hurt me so badly, that my anger is overtaking anything in my body. I have a slight hatered for women now, but im sure ill get over this.


    Ive started thinking about the future, and how im gonna be rich and famous, because life only happens once. to be locked up in a mid-sized house with a prostitue as your wife, would be the largest waste of all, im probably gonna move soon to florida or something.

  21. as i read the 'updates' im cynical enough to believe exactly the same as you. this sounds like something Jerry Springer put together.



    thats funny...and i dont mean to compare anybody. The only reason i would need professional help, is because im addicted to this pain, and think that I deserve a girl like this, 0 self worth. Ive always known she might pull some stunt like this, but it never really hits home, till it hits home. And thats good that you feel like that, it really helps destroy my situation, and the possibility of others feedback.


    And i dont care if you believe me, but now days anything is possible when sex is "just" a "thing".


    And yes, im the one at fault for still thinking about such a person, but the reality is, im understating most of the events. She WAS an exotic dancer, i made her quit a few weeks after we started dating, she kept giving "private" dances to a few guys at their homes. This is how the trouble began. She has this mentality that men are nothing, and she can just get another one within 5 seconds of me walking out the door. Ive witnessed this girl do some things, (in public) most girls would never do at gun point. But she hooked me with words of being so loyal, and hanging out with me 24/7, the sex...she worked at strip clubs around the world, so she knows how to manipulate. So these are the points im leaving out, i started dating an actual * * * * *.


    However i tried to look past this, as she ended up being a normal girl for a while, better than any other girls i have dated. She is high class, rich, proper and has a very good family.


    So keep thinking that im lying about this, which TOTALLY destroys the whole point of sharing my experiences with anybody. And another thing, yes im being a complete B*** for even talking on here, because she did tell me exactly what she was gonna do, which was have sex with as many guys until she gets over me, and thats what shes doing, and i never expected it to actually happen.

  22. haha yea, now its just straight abuse. I talked with my parents for a bit tonight, felt good. This new girl (thank god for her) starting talking more to me tonight. She seems too good to be true, No drinking, no sexy time, no partying, dunno bout that, so yea i might have to jump all over this one.


    But i still cant seem to do that! all i can think about is my EX!!! Trust me, i will rise UP! I think its hard because all my friends are gone, and all i have is either my EX, or this new girl.


    Ill see how this NC goes, she'll vanish, and ill repair-quickly

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