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  1. Hi, Thanks for responding. I have been hurt in the past, and I think that is why I am so paranoid. My exboyfriend was cheating on me with his, well, other girlfriend, who i had met and actually gotten along quite well with! After meeting her, his "best friend", About a month later I was told they were together. So, given that I guess I am pretty paranoid. Also, I guess I should bring her up and ask about her in a non-accusing way, I have just been afraid to, because given that it's probably nothing, I don't want him to think i'm overly suspicous of him! Thanks again Jessica
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm new to this board and I'm looking for some real opinions on my situation. I am in college and have been with my boyfriend for about 7 months now. He has introduced me to all of his friends, and family, and i have done the same. Things have been great between us, but recently i feel like i am overreacting over everything. I don't know exactly why I am doing this. Sometimes I get the feeling that he has feelings for other people- but when i think about it in the big picture I really have no reason to think that. He often brings up the future, and when I brought up the fact that i was a little worried that something may happen in summer (we will be 3 hours away from eachtoher, and I'm worried about him meeting someone) he was surprised that I would even think that anything bad would happen between us over the summer, and assured me that it wasn't going to happen. however, this past weekend he went home and i didn't go with him (i usually go along, but i had a lot of work). I later found out that a good female friend of his was going to be in town over the weekend too. This is the one female friend of his that I have not met, and it is not an exgirlfriend, but i feel like there used to be something between them. He has never brought it up but i have a feeling that there was something and i'm questioning whether there still is. Now, my question is just basically, am I getting too worked up over nothing and looking for "coincidences"? Is my insecurity and fear of losing him is causing me to get worried about nothing, or should i be concerned? I feel like there are so many positive aspects (ie: him continuing to talk about our future together, and no real changes in behavior towards me) but i feel like i concentrate on all the possible negatives. thank you jessica
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