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Posts posted by twizzle568

  1. i did talk to him about it. he gave me one word answers. ya. no. i was just like i heard rumors. so wat happened cuz this is wat i heard. all he said was ya. i mean i do like him just not a TON. i liked him more when everyone said he liked me. ya know? i dont wanna just ask him cuz were relaly good friends and i dont wanna make things weird if he doesnt.

  2. my mom is the same way. i just tell my mom school is getting tougher. it cant stay easy all the time. ive been stressed. there is a lot of stuff going on in my mind. i tried my hardest and thats the best i could do. ill try to do better next time. if shes a good christian she will understand. maybe not a first but later.....

  3. I'm in a situation..... My formal dance was yesterday. i went with a bunch of girl friends. then my guy friend came up and said hi (Alex). later as we were dancing he came up and started dancing. it was weird tho cuz he usually sticks with his guy friends. then there was a slow dance. i swear he was gonna ask me.... but he didnt. then he just kept dancing with us. later my friend kathleen asked him if he liked me. he said yes. then he asked me to slow dance twice. i did. then the next day(today), my friend willy called and asked if i liked alex cuz kahtleen apparently told him i did. (could be a lie) i guess a do a little but not that much. then he said that alex never told willy that he liked me. my friend phil said at first alex did like me. then alex told him he was in the middle. then he said i was a rumor. i have no idea wat to believe. wat should i do?

  4. I personally think its gross to have chest hair unless ur like an OLDER guy. like 40s. and it depends on how the facial hair looks whether girls like it or not.

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