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Posts posted by didyoumissme

  1. I know he wasn't really a true/good friend of mine. But, I still think of him alot and wished he thought of me and actually cared and wanted me for a friend. He was the one who actually said to me

    "don't call me or email me anymore for a while" So, I'm still trying to respect his wishes and not contact him at all.

    I don't know if he meant to never contact him ever again or if it meant just for right now?

    and/or I don't know if he meant "anymore for a while" as in a couple weeks, months, years? I'm so confused too right now. I want to ask him, But.. I can't. I keep checking my hotmail. But, he hasn't emailed me at all.. It's been over a month now. So, I guess he don't need or want me for a friend anymore.

    I'm so sad right now, tears are pouring out of my eyes endlessly right now. I want to call/email him again to ask if we can still be friends and if he will still be my buddy,ask him if he's mad/hate me. But, I know I can't , I have to let only"him" go. Our friendship was not meant to be. I must try to stay strong, move on with my life with my true, real friends

  2. I'm trying to hang in there.. I don't really have a choice now. It's very,very hard tho. I'm missing not only him, But.. some old friends who I also be so closed to back in the day.. Why do things have to change? Why can't it ever be the same? I don't like changes for the worst. I don't like any kind of change at all. I'm sorry, But.. I'm having a very sad moment right now. I'm trying really hard not to email, call him. It's been well over a month since I called him. He can't call me since my phone number has been changed. As much as I want to give him my new number, I know it's not a good idea. Plus, he doesn't or hasn't responsed any emails back to me. The last email was the end of August that I sented. When I just say Hi, how are you doing? Type email. I just want the pain, hurt to end. I don't want to hurt anymore. I want to be happy. I don't wanna feel sad, Because why should I care when it's obvious he doesn't care or feeling sad wanting to contact me. I've always been such a good friend to him too and I guess all along I've tried for nothing.

  3. I really try not to count the days. It still hurts when I think over on everything that was said & done.

    As much as it hurts and very hard to do, it's all pointless. I'm still moving on.

    I know he was never nearly as hurt/sad/mad over this as much as I am.

    I can see that I cared more all along. So, if he's living his life happy and not worrying about me at all,Then why should I worry or be miserable over this anymore? It seems like us not talking doing NC doesn't bother him at all.. So, why should it bother me?

    I must move on, don't worry, be happy.

  4. Hey Didyoumissme. I'm still feeling blue guys.... haven't slept a wink.

    *hugs Red* aaww sorry to hear that you haven't slept. I can sleep okay if I take my aniexty medicine. But, if it wasn't for the medicine I'd probably wouldn't get any winks at night either..


    How are you feeling today? I'm okay, hanging in there..


    I hope to really get all over this one day.:sleeping:

  5. after he told me to not contact him he replied to to an email with answers to some questions I asked. so for that alone should i just have a piece of mind that he doesnt hate me ?

    I didn't reply back to the email after he answer a couple questions, I don't think I will til maybe one day he actually contacts me again. Don't worry, I'll give him pently of space.

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