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Posts posted by cranberry

  1. sisterlynch, no I'm not disappointed that she is going to uni away...I am going to university right now but in my hometown. And even before that I used to sometimes ramble on on the phone. But thanks for trying to search for the core of the problem just in case there was one.


    And thank-you to GettingOverIt and MsOmniac for the advise. I don't think I'm that bad, but I am going to make a conscious effort to catch myself rambling on in general and then cut it (my story) short.

  2. Sometimes when I talk to good friends of mine, I feel like I am usually the one sharing (i.e., funny) stories of mine while they are the ones listening (or pretending to listen...). For example, I was reminded of this today as I just got off the phone with my (highschool) bestfriend who I hadn't seen since Christmas (She goes to uni out of town). Anyway, we arranged to meet up tomorrow and we're both so excited, but when I got off the phone I just had a bad feeling in my stomach. It seems every time I talk on the phone I just talk jibberish. I made a joke out of it though saying something like, "I'm sorry that I am just making no sense of all, it's just all these random things come into my head and I try to tell you all at once...this is what happens when I haven't seen you since Christmas". She laughed, but then soon after we were talking about jeans and then I go into another random story about how I went to the mall and was trying to find jeans, and how it was a complete disastor...I think I was talking kinda fast too and laughing. (By the way, I usually laugh a lot on the phone or while telling stories to people.) And she's like, "Well I gotta run now--see you tomorrow. Bye." And I felt like the biggest idiot.

    I know my friends think I'm funny and stuff, and obviously this is part of my personality--I'm usually a serious/quiet person, but when I'm around people I know really well or friends, I can get kindof hyper and laugh a lot, and become sarcastic. The friend I talked to on the phone has admitted before that she is not a phone-person, and when we are talking in person we have some crazy-good times (w/ lots of laughing)...

    It's just I feel that maybe I should try to not sound so hyper (i.e., talk fast, laugh a lot) on the phone. It's not like I am crazy-hyper, but everytime this happens I always feel so stupid.


    Any thoughts?

  3. Belladonna,

    I wasn't purposely trying to starve myself, I just figured I wasn't hungry so why would I eat. I gladly ate dinner b/c I was hungry at that time. Yet today I did eat lunch after I ran...even though I wasn't really hungry. And I am going to continue to do that (plus throughout the day, small meals/snacks) b/c it feels refreshing.

  4. Thanks for the responses guys. It's not like I don't eat anything for a whole 24 hrs. If it makes any difference I forgot to mention that before I ran I had a banana and some milk. I didn't want to eat a lot in the morning, b/c I read exercising first thing in the morning burns the most calories...

    Then after dinner I usually work in the evening (5-10pm) and I eat a snack during my break. How much I eat (going by when I feel hungry) depends on what I am doing that day. During school (which is done for the summer for me...except I will be taking one Intersession class soon), I will eat throughout the day because I feel hungry--must be because I need the brainpower or something. And if I have to work the whole day, I eat basically every 2hrs.


    But being perfectly honest here, I probably am beginning to develop annorexic, because it is so frustrating when you are trying to lose weight. Nevertheless, taking your advice, I am going to eat more throughout the day to help my metabolism.


    And I'm just wondering...RayKay are you a professional athlete? Or do you have a dayjob and then cycling is your hobby?

  5. OK I know not eating is bad, but what if you are just not hungry. I feel hungry when I wake up (around 10:30/11) but then I go for a 30min run and I no longer feel hungry. So I don't eat anything until around dinner time (whatever my mom cooks, which is healthy). Right now I guess I am a teeny bit hungry, but I just don't feel like eating. Any thoughts?

  6. Exercise helps you lose weight, but I think diet plays an even bigger role.


    What is your diet like?

    Do you eat a lot of fattening foods? If so limit your intake on those. Are you familiar with the FoodPyramid--do you get the recommended amounts of vegetables&fruits, grains, etc. a day or are you a lopsided eater where you eat only one food group--ex. a lot of bread?

    Or perhaps you are eating healthy foods, but the problem may be that your portions are too large. So try to cut down on your portions a little.

    You could make a food diary and record all the foods you eat, at what time of the day, etc. to see what your eating patterns are like. For example, you may notice that you usually snack after dinner while watching TV when you are not really hungry...a solution could be to chew gum or something to keep your mouth occupied.


    Personally I started running again about 6 weeks ago (for 30min each time). At first I did not lose any weight, yet the majority of the time I was eating healthy food. It wasn't until I started cutting down on my portion sizes and also not eating after dinner that I started to lose a little bit of weight. So far I have lost 3-4lbs.

  7. I am writing a resume and I have been looking at sample resumes on the net. Of all the sample resumes I've looked at none of them include a contact phone number or name of employers when they state their work experience.

    So my question is do I have to include contact information of my previous employers on my resume? I was thinking once I get the interview and they ask for reference numbers then I would give it to them. On my resume right now (under the work experience section) it just says the names of the places where I worked, my job position, what city it was in and how long I worked there.

  8. I know it has something to do with aspartane...but I usually have 0-2 a day (it's usu only 1 though).

    Why is it bad to drink one if you are trying to lose weight? I don't mean as to replace a meal, but say if I have a small lunch then I'll have a diet soda.

  9. hey fmfisdead,


    Yes, it sounds like she is into you--she remembered your convo from 2months ago and she is looking forward to hanging out with you when she gets back in town.

    I wouldn't tell her how you feel before she comes back (i.e., over the internet). Wait until you at least hang out one time. If you tell her beforehand it puts too much pressure on the situation (meeting again for the first time), do you know what I mean? And telling her in person is always so much better than online.

    As for the lead singer in the band, why even tell him anything at all what is going on between you and this girl? It's not really any of his business. She is not even his ex-girlfriend...he ditched her after one time.

  10. Hey,

    I find this to be really weird, because I am in a similar situation. There is this guy in one of my big lecture classes, and we have this looking at each other and looking away thing going on for a long time. I always check to see if he is looking at me, and I swear I see him check to see if I am looking at him. Then some days he won't even look at me at all. His friend looks at me a lot too. But then I pretend to not look at him/ignore him, b/c I don't want to look like a stalker or something.


    You know how you were talking about sketching her? Now here's a freak coincidence. I told my bestfriend (who goes to uni outoftown) about this guy and she was dying to know what he looked like, so I sat down to try and draw a sketch of him, but it was hard. I am (or was) an artist, and I know what you mean...you can see the picture in your head but can't make out the details. So yeah I ended up not drawing a picture.


    Well, anyway I don't really have any advice for you, but I just wanted to share that. I guess we're in the same boat here. YOu want to know what that girl (and her friend) are thinking about you, and I want to know what this guy (and his friend) are thinking about me.

    You're right though about moving on. I don't expect anything to happen in my situation either and I am not going to get my hopes up.

  11. What is the setting?

    Usually in a big lecture class where you are on one side of the room and they are near the other side. Or just anywhere where there is a far distance between us (i.e., in the caf).



    What if he looks away after you notice his checking you out and then he has a sheepish grin?

    Is this a rhetorical question?

  12. Hey Tears May Fall,


    I don't think your nose is that bad. I have to admit you are a good-looking guy but it is true that your nose is kinda wide. But geez you were jumped a few years back!

    You could get the the rhinoplasty, b/c it seems like it would make you happy. It is not absolutely necessary (I think you are still attractive nevertheless); it's true that it adds character to your face.

    If you're getting it done, don't get like a whole new nose, the size is right for your face, but it just needs straightening out/not a too drastic correction.

    I would say book a consultation with the surgeon and discuss it. He can tell you how he thinks it should be improved and such, and give you an idea of how it can be improved. And then you could think it over some more.

  13. ...if you see someone (a guy) checking you out?

    Perhaps Silly/obvious question...I know, but I just wanted to hear other thoughts about it.

    (I suppose the right response is to smile or something...)

    The reason I try not to stare back (too much) b/c I don't want that person to think I have a staring problem and I don't want to make them uncomfortable, although they may be making me a tad uncomfortable b/c they are staring at me--kinda like a double standard I guess.

    I notice that if I do stare back or just notice, they stop all together and perhaps seem a bit embarrassed. So basically the only point of checking someone out is to uh...check them out and then turn away as soon as they notice?

  14. She has a boyfriend?! That's an important fact that you left out in your other posts.

    I think she seemed annoyed in the library b/c well, you asked if you could copy her work, and b/c she was thinking about prom (prom is a big night for girls), and plus she was with her friends.


    im like ya buy me a ticket and she got quiet..more into the conversation sumhow she gets to saying You look very hot, i dont see how you dont have a little cute girlfriend

    She got quiet --> yeah I think she knows that you have a little thing for her.

    And the 2nd bold part-->I don't think she has a thing for you. I think she likes you but more like a flirting buddy. When I was a highschool I knew some senior girls who flirted with the younger guys (i.e., friends of their younger brothers) just for fun and for the attention/ego boost I suppose.

    So, my advice is you should start looking elsewhere for a cute little girlfriend (with good personality of course). Don't start ignoring her or being mean but this is just a little flirting game you have here.

  15. What's the big rush? You said yourself you've only talked with him 3 times. Why don't you give it some more time and let the attraction grow. It sounds like he is starting to like you. Eventually I think he will ask you out (if he does like you like that).


    But if you want to ask him out. Why don't you do a group date or something with your girl friend, & guy friend, or something like that, so it is more comfortable. Or if you really want it to be just you two, you could casually mention something like seeing a movie or something along those lines. But like I said before I would wait a bit longer and let him do the initiating, and then if it seems like he is too shy to then you could do the asking.

  16. When you looked back at her and you saw her grin, I think that is just a natural reaction. I kinda grin too when I see guys checking me out, because it's kinda cute esp. when they are trying to be discreet about it.


    And the sandal thing...hmm...I don't really see anything there. Most likely cause she's bored or it is just habit. I twirl my pen allll the time in class, sometimes without even noticing it til later.


    I think you should try to stop thinking about her so much and really try not to overanalyze every little thing she does as some way of liking you or not liking you. Try to spend all that energy you think about her into something constructive. For example, try talking to her more (casually of course, try not to appear nervous). Perhaps next time you see her/pass her in the halls you could smile at her, if she smiles back that is a good sign.

  17. Ok I just wanted to add one more thing.

    I just want to clarify what I meant about sophomore guys and senior girls. I didn't mean that senior girls will only look at a sophomore guy only if he is built/older-looking. I just think on the physical-attractiveness level it would help. Personality (imo for me and I think generally for a lot of girls and/or seniors) is the major deciding factor (no matter what he looks like--younger or older).

  18. If I was just pulling a guys strings (which I wouldn't...but even if I was), I wouldn't go as far as this girl is going in flirting with you. thereforeeee, I think she does like you. Plus you said that you think she is a really nice girl, and I don't think really nice girls would just pull a guy's strings. Also, the major thing that gives it away is how many times she looks back at you.

    So just do what Iceman26 said:

    I would ask her out to an informal date, like a movie over the weekend. You are already comfortable with her, if she says no to the movie or whatever you want to do with her, act like its no big deal.


    On a side note, about the age difference thing. I would say generally senior females don't date male sophomores. When I was a senior, I'm trying not to sound shallow, but I didn't even look at the sophomores, not because of the age, but because they look so much smaller than me...there was no attraction, most of them look like kids. Put an 18yr old senior beside a 15yr old sophomore and you'll notice a difference. However, do you look older/more mature/bigger stature than most kids your age? Even if you don't, I still think you stand a chance with her.

  19. Bad news...I couldn't do it.

    I had the paper in my pocket, and as I was approaching the library, he was coming out. And he didn't even look at me, while he was walking past me. I think that is what made me lose all my confidence.

    Then I saw him sit down at this bench infront of a building & smoking, (he couldn't see me) and I was contemplating if I should do it or not. Then a few min later he got up and went inside a building (for class, I assume).

    I was kinda surprised that he had a class at that time, b/c of that instance when one time he came into the library and used the comp directly accross/facing mine and was looking at me...he didn't seem like he was in a hurry to get to class then.


    On the other hand, I am kinda glad I didn't do it.

    I think I am going to be okay. It's not like I had a major crush on him, sure I thought he was good-looking, but it was more that he seemed interesting and I just wanted to get to know him.

  20. Ok so I wrote about this before link removed


    Last week I went home early so I didn't see him on Tues&Thurs. Then yesterday (Tues), I think I saw him infront of the library looking at me but that might have not been him...I think I need glasses.

    If he liked me, wouldn't he have approached me by now? THe only thing I can think of where he might have come close, is a long time ago I saw him looking at me infront of the library, then I went inside to go on the computers, and a few min later he came in and used the comp accross from me, and he kept looking at me--this was when I didn't think much of it.

    Anyway tomorrow will be the last day I ever see him b/c finals start next week. I was thinking I would just walk up to him (most likely he'll be with friends) and just give him a piece of paper saying something like, "Hi.....My name & cell # (And I'll draw a smiley face, haha)". He better be infront of the library tomorrow...

    Is that stupid?

  21. Which is the best from Dove- the stick/gel/roll-on?

    I tried the stick a while back, and it stopped working for me after a short time.


    I just bought the Mitchum for Women last week. It worked at first, but then it's like it only 1/2 works. I wore a white t-shirt with it and that was a success though.

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