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Posts posted by asspen2001

  1. I have heard from many people that working out can stunt your growth. Is that true? Also, If you want to be taller you have to have plenty of sleep right. Well, I Work out and I sometimes go to sleep like around 12:30 am, I sometimes sleep during the day because I come tired from school. I am a Freshmen in High schoo,l is this a bad habbit to keep? can it stunt my growth? I am not sure if it is true because I am barely 5' 8" and I grew about 2" in this year. I want to be at least 6' tall. Is there anything I should do or not do more of?

  2. Ok I am in high school and I like this girl and I am thinking of maybe talking to her to get to know her. I am not sure how I am going to do it so if any one has any ways I could talk to her it would be great. Second, do you think that maybe I should try to talk to her next year, because it is now May and school ends on June. Maybe if I start to become friend with her next year I could become one of those friends that become friends on that year. You know what I mean, you know how every year you make at least one new friend. Maybe I could become friends with her next year that way I have all year with her.


    I have never spoken to her and I have never been able to talk to her because she moves around alot and she usually doesn't hang out in the same spot. And plus she has a lot of guy friends, how do I get pass them in order to get to know her. Maybe it would be better if I became friends with her next year because were both in the same grade, I'll have more time with her next year, she might not remember me next year, and who makes friends in the last days of school.


    I also need some advice on how to approch her . Usually when I see her she is walking to god knows where and she looks like she is always busy. She hangs out with a lot of popular people and I am not popular. Please if you read this give me some advice. I want to ,at least, be her friend.

  3. Ok there is this girl I absolutely love, I should say like since I don't know her. I see her many times at school and everytime I see her I stare at her like if she where an exotic car. I stare until she is out of my sight. Well any anyways, I don't have her in any of my classes or know anyone that knows her. I really want to talk to her but she is always talking to other people and she is very outgoing. I always see her with her friends and some times she is talking to some guys. When she talks to the guys she jumps all over them and hugs them and she is always happy to see them. There was this one time when she was talking to some of her "guy friends" when suddenly one of the guys slaps her in the ass and grabs her like if he was her boyfriend. She must have known him for a long time because only a boyfriend would go and do that. She then just grabbed him from the neck and walked off with him like if they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I have never seen her kiss a guy, I've only seen her act almost like if she where their girlfriend.


    It is very hard for me to talk to her because she takes my breath away. I would be talking to my friends and I see her pass by and I forget what I am saying and just completely focus on her. I have said hi to her but she is like those really perky girls and says hi back, but she won't take it like if Im hitting on her. she is really beautiful and I know for sure that there are other guys that like her like I do, only I love her more. You might be thinking that by the way she acts with other guys that I will forget about her but it just makes me want her more.


    She Is nice, beautiful, and always happy. She has the most beautiful green eyes and angel voice I have ever seen and heard. She is very nice and is very curtius to others. She stands up for friends and talks to the people that she sees by themselfs. I know this from observing ofcourse.I don't know what I love most about her, her personality or her beauty. At first I only saw her as a beautiful girl but now see her as the most gorgeous angel I've ever seen. She is perfect she is everything I have always wanted in a girl. My friends say that if I do get with her that we would not last a week because we are complete opposites. But I don't care what they say.


    Well I better wrap it up before I get carried away.


    I want to find the perfect time to get to talk to her just me and her but its an impossible task because all of the other guys are all over her. If any one can help me on anyways I could get to know her better,I would really appreciate it.

  4. This problem has happened many times. And I always find out who she likes because she will eventually tell me. And I know they don't like me because I can tell. They talk to me like she does to any other person. There isn't any hints or nothing that has ever told me that she likes me. Im just another classmate.

  5. Ok, I have a problem. Almost every year I at least have about two girls that like me and one that I like. This is not a problem you may think, but it is for me. All the girls that like me I end up being friends with but I am not attracted to them. I try to be as nice to them as possible but I don't end up liking them. When I talk to them I am not nervous in any way. But when I talk to the girl that I do like I get nervous. When I try talking to her I find it difficult to keep a conversation. First,I don't have anything to say and when I don't talk for a short period, like in a 30 seconds, she starts to talk to some one else. Its like if she ignores me. Even during a conversation she will begin to talk to someone else or someone will bud in and she will talk to them more. I try to keep talking to her but it only last a short period of time. Sometimes more and more people get into the conversation that I get left out.


    When I am talking to the girls that like me I don't ignore them. I try to talk to them like the way I would like to be treated by the girl I like. But For once I would like to have a girl that likes me and I like her. Its great that girls like me, but it is better to be liked by the girl you like than to be like by a million girls. There was one time that I got lucky, it was in sixth grade, I am now a junior in high school, where I sat next to all the girls that liked me including the one I liked. But the one I liked didn't talk much while the other girls wouldn't stop talking. I tryied to talk to her more but she was shy and she didn't talk much and she drained all of my topics for a conversation away. I don't want to insult her, but it was like talking to a mental, you talk and they don't respond. The other girls asked me If I wanted to get with her I said yes, I don't really know what she said because an hour later she didn't want to be with me anymore.


    This was as close as I got to a girlfriend due to my problem. I do regret not trying much to try to get her. Does any one else have this problem.

  6. That sounds simple but I hardly pass by her. When I do she is usually with her friends and she is usually in the middle. If I say hi she will probably not hear me or she might not say anything at all, maybe a simple hi but that would probably be it. She seems like the shy type of person. There are some times she does walk by me but she walks so fast I am not be able to say anything. And I am not the talkative type myself. Its not that I don't like to talk or that I am shy, which I am not, its just that I have nothing to say. That is why it is really hard for me to start a conversation. How do I know when it is the perfect opportunity to get to talk to her?

  7. Ok, Im in high school and there is this girl I really like. At first I didn't really notice her much because I liked another girl. But then I started to notice that she looks at me a lot and I suspected that she likes me. Now I have forgotten about the other girl and I am starting to like her. I like her a lot but we have never spoken to each other, we don't even have a class together. I want to talk to her but she is always with her friends and I don't know what to say to her. She is always moving from place to place so I don't know where she hangs out. I have friends that have her in one of their classes, and I ask them to talk to her for me, but they don't know her either. How do I start a conversation with her without looking stupid like I always do when I am around a girl I like. Can some one please give some advice to catch my beautiful Unicorn?

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