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  1. looloo


    I took an at home pregnuncy test...it came back to be negitive. I have little to no symptoms of pregnuncy...other then i am ired alot, this could also be a result of the fact that i am ill with a cold at present. other then that i have nothing to be worried about...besideds the fact that my period is very late. a while back i took one of theoses morning after pills. i was just wondering if anyone knoew if maybe that could be the reason that my period is late..or what...
  2. looloo


    yes, i know this, but he has never finished like on my "area" it is always on the bed, lower and we ar always careful to wip it up and then put seomthing over it before i get near it.
  3. looloo


    alright. so i got the morning after pill and i took it like i was souposed to and started when i should have. They gave me an extra pack, so about a week or two after i finished my period, even know i knew my partner did not really finish inside me, i took it anyway. a few days after that i got some spotting lke it said i may. it has been about a month since then and i have not started my perod. i have all the normal symptoms of starting my period...breaking out a bit..discharge...moody....bloated...everything excepts cramps and the period itself... he has not finished inside me since then, so i don't really see how i could be pregnunt... i guess im asking if anyone might know if maybe the pill makes your period REALLY late, or if the little blood spots i saw was my period...
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