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Posts posted by B4RSK22B

  1. This is a multi-faceted problem.


    First of all, STOP! Do not cut yourself anymore!


    The act of cutting is a response to deeper problem, generally the act of replacing emotional pain with physical pain to help cope. Your problems can be worked on without inflicting pain to youself. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you seek help for this. I understand your desire to to hurt yourself, but please, think of people around you who care about you, us included (we are a community after all).


    Self-mutilation is not an answer, and your suicidal thoughts need to be addressed. Please think about this before hurting youself any further!

  2. That is a very blatant disregard for you feelings. It is also a complete lack of respect on his part. He should be focusing on bettering his relationship with you and your daughter.


    I would personally be angry. There is no reason for you to stay with him if he does not act like you three are a family. If this is the kind of guy he is, your daughter is better off not knowing him.


    I would confront him, but be persistent with it. Don't let him get off easy.

  3. he's my husband,not hers


    Not since you chose to break it off with him.


    I don't know the exact circumstances leading to the kiss, but seeing that a friend of yours got him drunk and he rarely drank, and all it was was a kiss, I would have forgave him had I been in your shoes. Again, I don't know the whole story though....


    I do understand your pain though. We sometimes find ourselves shackled to people that we really have little or no interest in, yet we stay because its comfortable or convinient. I'm sorry you're going through that pain, it does suck.

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