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Everything posted by Tryin

  1. We had a great sex life. The reason for the break is that she said that she wasn't happy anymore. She said that it wasn't me, that she needed time to think things over.
  2. My girlfriend and I just recently took a "break" about 3 weeks ago. We had been in a serious relationship for a year and had been living together for about 9 mo's. We spent every day together for that year. Before the break she started spending more time with her friends and family. I didn't mind at all. I had a business trip about a month ago for a week. When I returned things seemed different. We had our 1 yr. anniversary about a week later and we got into a small disagreement that carried over into the next morning. She decided to stay with her parents for a while and for us to take a "break". We have spoken to each other quite a bit over the past few weeks and have seen each other a few times. She came over a couple of weeks ago before going on vacation with one of her girlfriends and we had a great time. We told each other that we loved one another and I spoke with her a few times while she was there. When she got back she seemed more distant and she needed time apart. I called her like everyday and she told me that I was driving her farthur apart from me. I didn't call her for a couple of days but I did send her a text message. She called me the past 2 days and I asked her if we could get together later this week. She said that she would call me later this week and we would see. Does it sound like we have a chance to get back together? How should I handle the situation?
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