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  1. I guess I’ll be Mr Unpopular here by saying: So, while you were dating your fiancé, now wife, you and the first girl professed your “strong feelings” for one another. Sounds to me like you never gave your marriage a chance. You don’t say whether you have children with your wife. However, you made a marriage covenant with your wife and that is where your obligation is. Perhaps you should honor that vow and be totally devoted to your wife—could totally revive that marriage. Of course it has been a struggle, with the constant “keeping in touch” from this first girl. You need to totally cut that off and only after giving your marriage the focus can you decide if you should stay together. Why didn’t you and the first girl give it a shot before meeting your wife.
  2. Yeah…he hasn’t tried anything else but really he might need to use a PAP machine—they can be noisy too but at least it addresses his health. I’m curious if you have considered using ear plus at night. If not, it sounds like there is a lack of effort on both parts.
  3. I'm a musician and photographer and I've been pondering this question myself lately. I came to the conclusion that creating for the purpose of creating (not as a living) is a self-indulgent activity. I feel guilty for using my time in such a selfish way. No one benefits from it except me. I'm the only one that it pleases. Even if I created something that was pleasing to others--what purpose does it serve? There are people that are so busy making it from day to day that they do not have the luxury to create art. I'm not saying that all artists are self-indulgent.
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