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    How to Use Sleep Tech to Become an Early Bird

    When you think about making a change in your life and becoming more productive, one of the best places to start is by developing better sleep habits. It’s a fact that good sleep habits increase energy levels, mental clarity, and alertness for your daily activities. But it can be hard to make it through your day when you keep hitting that snooze button and sleeping in late.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of tech solutions that can help you become an early bird. Smart lights, sleep trackers, and bedtime modes on your phone can all help you resist that snooze button and ensure that you get up on time. Below, we’ll explore how these tech tools can help you become an early bird and improve your overall health, mood, and productivity.

    Smart Lights

    One of the most popular sleep tech solutions is Smart Lights. These are lights that you can connect to your phone or tablet and program to automatically turn on or off according to your schedule. You can set them to dim as you get closer to your bedtime and brighten as you wake up - this helps your body recognize when it's time to get up. Smart Lights are very helpful for those who tend to oversleep and stay in bed too long in the morning, as they can help create a structured sleep schedule.

    Sleep Trackers

    Another great solution for early birds is the use of sleep trackers. These track and record your sleep patterns, helping you track how long you're sleeping and how restful it is. This information can be used to help identify how to improve your quality of sleep, whether that means making adjustments to your sleep environment or identifying issues that might be affecting your sleep. Additionally, most sleep trackers have alarms that you can program to help you wake up at the best time for you. They can also track different sleep cycles and determine when the best time is for you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

    Bedtime Mode on Your Phone

    Another way to help you become an early bird is to use a bedtime mode on your phone. This is a feature available on most current phones and tablets which will block all incoming notifications and calls during specified hours of the night so that you won’t be disturbed. Additionally, many beds come with ambient lights that can help you relax before sleep. By setting your phone to bedtime mode, you won’t be tempted to stay up late and look at your screen.

    Using sleep tech is a great way to become an early bird. Smart lights, sleep trackers, and bedtime modes on your phone can all help you resist that snooze button and ensure that you get up on time. Additionally, these tech tools can help you create a better sleep environment and ensure that you are getting quality sleep. So if you’re ready to start getting up early and taking advantage of the day, try investing in some sleep tech today.

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