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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Discovering the Benefits of Breathwork Over Mindfulness Meditation

    With the current COVID-19 crisis, many people are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. To cope with these issues, many are looking for positive activities and mindful practices to improve their psychological well-being. One of the most popular mindfulness activities is meditation. While meditation can certainly be beneficial, it may not be the best practice for everyone. In particular, breathwork may be more effective at improving mood and changing physiological states than mindfulness meditation.

    What is Breathwork?

    Breathwork is an active, conscious, healing form of medicine that involves becoming aware of and focusing on one’s breath. It involves a variety of techniques that can be used to help induce a relaxed and meditative state. There are many different types of breathwork, each of which serve a different purpose. The most common example is “circular breathing” which is when you take deep and slow breaths and then exhale in a circular motion, repeating the process until you reach a relaxed and mindful state. This type of breathwork helps reduce stress hormones and increase neurotransmitters in the body, thus helping to improve overall mental health.

    How Does Breathwork Differ from Mindfulness Meditation?

    Both breathwork and mindfulness meditation have a goal of reaching a relaxed and mindful state in order to reduce stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. However, breathwork differs from meditation in several ways. For one, breathwork is an active practice, meaning that one must deliberately focus and direct their attention to their breath, whereas mindfulness meditation encourages more passive attention and awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings. Additionally, the effects of breathwork and meditation can be quite different; research has suggested that breathwork exercises can result in profound psychological and physiological states that differ from those achieved with meditation.

    The Benefits of Breathwork

    There are several potential benefits to breathwork that make it a better option than meditation. For one, breathwork has been found to be more effective in inducing both a relaxed and mindful state, as well as in improving mood. In addition, breathwork has been associated with improved physical health and improved physiological states such as reduced heart rate and blood pressure. Finally, unlike mindful meditation, breathwork can also be used as a tool to address specific issues such as trauma, depression, and anxiety.

    Given the wide range of potential benefits, breathwork is an excellent mindfulness practice for those looking for a more effective way to improve their mental health. And because it does not require intense focus, breathwork can be practiced anywhere and anytime making it an ideal practice for a wide range of populations. For those looking to improve their emotional and physical well-being, breathwork may be the better choice than mindfulness meditation.

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