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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    BORG: A College Favorite and a Major Cause of Public Concern

    At college campuses across the US, the BORG is gaining massive popularity among students. University officials, however, are far less enthused about this beverage making its way around student hangouts. Last assessed, the BORG is a dangerous mixture of multiple ingredients that can contain upwards of 24% of alcohol content by volume with various soft drink components.

    So what is the BORG, exactly? The acronym stands for ‘beer or wine mix’, indicating that the beverage is made up of both beer and wine. The beverage consists of light beers, such as Heineken, and fruity wines like Moscato or White Zifandel. The ratio of alcohol content varies based on the components used, but roughly about 4 cans of beer and a bottle of wine plus sugar and flavoring syrup will give about 24%.

    Due to its rising popularity, both college students and university officials are expressing fear and concern surrounding the consequences of repeated ingestion of the BORG beverage. Firstly, drinking the BORG can have serious health implications in terms of liver damage, addiction, and other problems related to high intake of alcohol.

    With such high alcohol concentrations, it’s easy to reach heavy intoxication levels. According to experts, it’s dangerously easy to drink an excessive amount of the BORG in a short amount of time, which places consumers in an incredibly risky situation and could cause long-term effects on their bodies.

    Most states also view the BORG as an illegal concoction and thus, drinking it can result in fines or other punishments, including expulsion from college and/or university. University administrators are taking action by implementing stricter rules regarding public drinking and more severe punishments for anyone caught consuming the BORG.

    For college students desiring to enjoy a few drinks, there are a variety of alternatives available that are far safer than the BORG. Safe and fun alcohol options include craft beers, hard seltzers, spiked and flavored seltzers, kombucha, flavored malt beverages, and ciders.

    Despite being a favorite among college students, the BORG mixture contains an astronomically high amount of alcohol content which renders it an incredibly dangerous option for them. While an occasional sip might be okay for adults, it should never be consumed in excess, or in any kind of regular frequency. It is important to remember that moderation is key when it comes to alcohol consumption and to prioritize your physical well-being over peer pressure and trends. Always listen to your body, drink responsibly, and practice self-care.

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