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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Attachment Trauma: Causes, Effects & Tips On How To Heal

    The sound of cracking ice echoed through the air in an otherwise still silence. The sky was light grey, depraved of any colour or emotion. Almost as if it were in mourning for the stresses it had brought onto one person's life. Someone had been subjected to crying out for help but felt unheard, unseen and unrecognized. He had been through too many traumas and painful experiences to remember. This was an attachment trauma which every single individual has either gone through or still going through.

    Attachment trauma is an incredibly difficult situation, yet it's not often discussed in society. For most people, such a subject goes underneath the radar of regular conversation topics, and often faces rejection when brought up. Attachment trauma is a deeply rooted issue which can stem from many different causes, and have far-reaching impacts on one's mental and physical health.

    At its core, attachment trauma is the traumatic experience of being separated from a particular figure in one's life. Such figures could be parents, grandparents, siblings or friends who shared a strong bond with. During the trauma, this bond of attachment is broken suddenly and without any warning. This can lead to feelings of deep grief and loss, even if the person is an adult when this happened.

    Other causes of attachment trauma are physical abuse from those in authority positions, such as parents and one's spouse. In some cases, the physical abuse could be so severe that even the sligh presence of the abuser makes one feel extremely helpless and vulnerable. It might take years for the victim to break out of the psychological state of numbness, anxiety and fear that comes with the trauma.

    Attachment trauma affects the brain, impacting its ability to process emotions and make decisions. It can also cause people's sense of self-worth to drop, making them feel poorly about themselves. People with attachment trauma may struggle with trusting others, and may even find it difficult to form new relationships. Meanwhile, their physical health might also suffer with depression, insomnia, flashbacks and nightmares.

    The first step towards healing from attachment trauma is to be aware of the trauma and take action against it. It is important to acknowledge the reality of the trauma, and to start looking for healthy ways to cope with it. With the guidance of a professional therapist, the person affected by attachment trauma should explore the positive aspects of their life and try to focus on them. They should also develop coping mechanisms and methods to manage the trauma.

    Another important tip is to practice self-care. Self-care can have a huge impact on one's mental and physical wellbeing, and provide them with respite from the damaging thoughts and emotions which arose due to the trauma. People can create some time and space for themselves to do activities they enjoy, such as gardening, swimming, dancing, art, journaling or reading. They should also not forget to get enough rest and stay hydrated.

    It is vital to reach out to support systems such as friends and family, to help one heal from attachment trauma. While talking about the experience could be hard and sometimes terrifying, leading to a rise in anxiety levels, it will feel better once done. Reaching out for professional help is also essential for recovering from attachment trauma.

    Through making adjustments to lifestyle and behaviour, as well understanding and addressing the underlying causes of attachment trauma, it is possible to work on overcoming the disturbance and move towards healthier, positive relationships in life. With the right tools and support, anyone affected by attachment trauma can use the power of self-healing to overcome their tribulations.

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