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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    How Can I Get a Girl to Like Me Instead of Just Being Friends?

    Dear eNotAlone: I recently started talking to a girl and I really like her, but I don't know if she feels the same way about me. I don't want to put too much pressure on her, but I feel like there is an invisible wall between us and I'm not sure how to get over it. How can I get a girl to like me instead of just being friends?

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    When it comes to relationships, people often don't know what to do. You could be talking to a girl and you're feeling something special, but you aren't sure how to take your connection to the next level. If you want to get a girl to like you instead of just being friends, it's important to remember that it's a delicate process. It is possible to take things further, but it requires effort and patience on your part.

    The first step to gaining a girl's affections is to make sure that you're paying attention to her and listening to what she has to say. Ask her about her interests and how she's been doing. Showing her that you care is essential, so make sure to give her compliments when it's appropriate. don't be afraid to express yourself and let her know how you're feeling. Communication is key in any relationship, so being open and honest with her from the start is a good way to make sure she knows where you stand.

    Once you've established a level of comfort with her, you can try getting a little more flirty. Expressing physical affection through small touches is a great way to convey how you feel without going overboard. For example, a light touch on her arm or a hug when you meet up can be an effective way to show that you like her.

    If things start to get serious, don't be afraid to take her out on a romantic date. This is an excellent way to show her that you're looking for something real. Having a fun time together will make it easier to have conversations and it will also help to cement your connection.

    However, one of the most important things to remember when trying to get a girl to like you is to be confident. Make sure to show her that you are sure of yourself and don't doubt your worth. This can be intimidating for some people, but the best way to show confidence is to simply be yourself. When you exude this sense of security, girls tend to respond positively.

    It's important not to put too much pressure on her. If you give her space, this can help to increase your chances of success and make her feel more comfortable. If you try to push her too hard, this can be a turn-off. Instead, take things slow and let her make the final decision when she is ready.

    Relationships require effort and patience, so if you want to get a girl to like you instead of just being friends, make sure to listen to her, take her out on a date, be confident, and give her space. Doing these things will increase your chances of success and make it easier to form a real connection. 

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