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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    'Thinking Problem': A New Approach to Women's Relationships and Men

    Much like battling a drinking problem begins with acknowledging its existence, we must also confess that as women, we often have a significant "thinking" problem. This issue particularly surfaces when navigating the intricate world of men and relationships. Our minds tend to overwork, spawning an avalanche of thoughts that are frequently repetitive, illusory, and, quite frankly, harmful. So, the inaugural step in remedying this thinking predicament is admitting its existence.

    Research suggests that humans generate around fifty to sixty thousand thoughts daily, with an astonishing 95% of these thoughts mirroring those we had the previous day. This unconscious regurgitation of identical thoughts means that we're constantly feeding ourselves the same misleading information, forming a continuous loop. It's no surprise then that we often feel stuck in a rut, with nothing seeming to evolve or change.

    The key to breaking this cycle lies in awareness. To truly free ourselves from this mental quagmire, we must willingly dissect our minds and belief systems, particularly regarding men and relationships. It's crucial to examine your beliefs critically, deciphering why you hold them. Questions like, "Who instilled this thought in me?", "Who justified its existence?", and "Is this belief serving my well-being?" can lead to enlightening revelations. More often than not, you'll find that these ingrained ideas are not benefiting you.

    Delving into your understanding of relationships can further illuminate this journey. Like the 'hot potatoes' song I reminisced about earlier, many of our beliefs are mere constructs of thoughts, formed by a younger, less experienced version of ourselves.

    When it comes to men and relationships, our notions are frequently influenced by distressing events such as breakups. We tend to develop generalizations such as, "I can't trust men", "I'm not attractive/talented/funny enough", "All men are unfaithful", "Relationships are grueling", or the heartbreaking, "I'll never find someone".

    These disheartening conclusions are often born during periods of disappointment, forming mental barricades that limit our future possibilities. The tragedy lies in our forgetfulness, as we often don't remember making these decisions. However, as we journey forward in life, these outdated decisions constrain us, preventing us from experiencing joy and true connection in our relationships.

    Our minds, akin to an old computer, are operating on outdated software. Addressing our thinking problem can be compared to receiving a much-needed software upgrade. By taking a closer look, we can identify that the information stored in our minds, especially about men and relationships, is not only obsolete but diametrically opposed to what we genuinely desire now.

    To illustrate, consider the following sentences and fill in the blanks instinctively:

    "Love is _________."

    "Good men are _________. "

    Chances are, you had some automatic responses such as "blind" or "hard to find". Even if we don't genuinely believe these statements, our minds, similar to the autofill feature on a computer, automatically complete these sentences based on previously stored or heard information.

    If your aim is to captivate the man of your dreams, it's essential to recognize your thinking problem and cleanse your mind of these antiquated notions. Remaining oblivious to the fact that you're clinging to old ideas keeps you anchored in the past and alienated from the present. The present moment is where more gratifying and expansive relationship possibilities exist.

    It's time to uproot these outmoded beliefs that have been left unchecked to germinate in the fertile grounds of our minds. These seeds of thought, initially planted during vulnerable moments, have grown into towering beliefs that cast long, overshadowing shadows on our present experiences and expectations from relationships. They create a distorted lens through which we view our partners and potential partners, often leading to disappointment and disillusionment.

    However, awareness is the first ray of sunshine that can start to dissolve these shadows. It helps to highlight the areas where our thinking has been skewed by past experiences or preconceived notions. Once we acknowledge these areas, we can start to reevaluate our beliefs and align them with our present desires and expectations.

    To embark on this journey of mental decluttering, we must first accept that these detrimental thought patterns exist. This acceptance is not a sign of weakness or failure. On the contrary, it is a testament to our courage and a critical step towards personal growth and development. It is the beginning of a journey that leads to a healthier mindset and more fulfilling relationships.

    Next, we must challenge the validity of these ingrained beliefs. We need to question whether these beliefs hold any truth in our current lives or whether they are mere echoes of past experiences. This process of challenging and questioning our beliefs helps to dislodge them from our minds, creating space for new, healthier thoughts.

    We must actively work on replacing these outdated beliefs with new ones. This process isn't about burying old beliefs under a pile of new ones. It's about consciously choosing beliefs that reflect our current understanding of relationships and align with our desires and expectations.

    Every belief started as a single thought. By changing our thoughts, we can change our beliefs, and change our lives. It's about creating a new narrative for ourselves, one that empowers us and fosters growth, rather than one that holds us back.

    Unraveling our thinking problem is a process of unlearning and relearning. It's about shedding old skins of thought and belief, allowing for the growth of new ones. It's an opportunity for us to redefine what love and relationships mean to us, free from the constraints of past experiences and societal expectations.

    The journey of overcoming our thinking problem is indeed a challenging one, but it's a path worth treading. It opens up a world of possibilities and paves the way for more fulfilling relationships. It's an invitation to step into the present, where we can fully embrace our potential for love and connection. Let's embark on this journey, shedding old beliefs and nurturing new ones, as we navigate the complex labyrinth of our thoughts towards a healthier, more fulfilling love life.

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