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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    The Quest for True Love: Tips for Initiating Conversation and Pursuing a Woman

    As the sun melted over the horizon and the glistening reflection of light caught his eye, all he could think of was how to pursue the woman that had just walked into his life. She looked like an angel, impossibly beautiful and confident, and it made him feel intimidated and uncertain. He began to doubt his capabilities and question if he was truly worthy of her, but he knew that he had to try no matter the cost. If he wasn’t willing to take a risk then he would never get the chance to discover true love.

    The first thing that he should do was to try and initiate a conversation with her. It was a difficult task, especially since he felt so clumsy, but he knew signs were important if he were to make a good impression. When they next saw each other he smiled broadly, grinned even wider when she gave him a friendly nod in return, and made sure his posture exuded confidence.

    When the opportunity arose he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, only to be suddenly struck by nerves and lack of ideas. Speaking was difficult enough but he was at a complete loss of how to form a conversation, how to appear interesting and witty, and how to encourage meaningful dialogue. He need not to worry, however, because something as simple as listening could lead to a successful and enjoyable conversation.

    Since she was a person of beauty, he knew that he could ask her about her day-to-day experiences and her passions in life. All too often he was afraid to come across as nosy or intrusive, but asking open ended questions such as these invited responses from her that could be both informative and interesting. Furthermore, he should segment these conversations with comments of his own, showing genuine interest in her experiences and displaying an eagerness to converse.

    As their conversations progressed he slowly built up the courage to invite her on a date. At first his heart raced as he thought of asking her out, yet he quickly realized that it was nothing to be afraid of. He found that once he gathered the courage to form the words, the discomfort dissipated and replaced by a comforting sensation of anticipation. To add to the amusement, he made sure to sprinkle in the occasional joke and comment, giving them both something to laugh at.

    It was a challenge and it required persistence, dedication, and the ability to listen. With that in mind, the man set off on a journey to pursue the woman of his dreams, and with a little luck, he just may find himself one step closer to true love.

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