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Too tall?

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Yo people,

Now I'm 6'2", and was wondering if shorter girls go for tall guys or if they go for guys only a little taller then themselves or what's the deal? I know it varies from girl to girl but I feel too tall for alot of the girls I like, like alot of them are under 5'7", what do you ladies think? thanks.

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Hey dont worry bout it hun. Girls love tall guys. All of my friends and I look for tall guys lol. I mean just the other day we were like..... ooo we're gettin new basketball players at our skool, now we have some new hott guys. Someone said...how do u kno they are hott? And one said...because they are tall! lol so ya ur good.

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Hi all!


Listen, there's not much you can do about it anyway, but I must say... I'm about 5'6" or 5'7", and often I've met awesome girls who are about 5'9", 5'10". It never upset me really, but trust me when I say this, most guys my height wish we were a few inches taller!


But, as I said, you are who you are, and most people don't care too much about height in the long run!



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Hello. I am 5ft 2" tall and have often gone out with guys who are over the 6ft mark and personally its always just worked out that way. I don't particularly go for tall guys they just are.


And, when you think about it, when lying down in a bed height does not really matter does it?

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hey, i agree with secret_agent_man, there isnt anything really that we can change about our heights i guess we just have to deal with it.


and from a girls perspective (im 5'8/5'9) i love taller men, the man im in a relationship with right now is around 6'1/6'2 and its great. i dont see any faults and he doesnt have a problem with the height differance. besides once you get to know someone and like there personaility and additional aspects that you love height doesnt really come up in a conversation that often.


personally i wouldnt get too self conscious just live with it and enjoy it. you'll find a girl who completely adores you. just go for it.


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Let me tell you, a big height difference IS a big deal. I am 5'1" and my husband is 6'7" tall. I almost didn't date him because of it. I of course realize that we are the extreme. ~BUT~ there are a lot of things that are difficult for us. We can't slow dance together. We have to hold hands like father and daughter (because I can't fit his fingers between mine). There are certain um well, positions that just don't work.


The crazy thing is that I have always dated tall men. Not so much because I am more attracted to them, but because they always like short girls... Or for the most part anyway. My advice is to not date someone more that 6 or so inches shorter than you. So, now my dream man is 5'3".

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to hight we just have to take what we got. I'm 6'3'' and It sucks having to look down at so many girls. The rare times I come accross a girl thats at eye level its awesome and it gives me a great opertunity to go up to her. As for more normal girls I don't think they care. My ex didn't make it an issue, she seemed so short when we stood close. She wasn't all that short. It was a bigger deal to me then it was to her.


One thing tall guys need to look out for is coming off as to thin and lanky. Its easy to look awkward sometimes when we are tall. Good clothes are hard to come by and will often make or break us when it comes to girls. Sorry short guys, when we get it right we have the advantage. We can easily get taller girls and all the other girls want us too.

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