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I got my top two wisdom teeth taken out Friday morning, and my cheeks (one of them MUCH more than the other) are still puffy. I've kept an ice pack on them but that doesn't seem to help. I don't want to go to school swollen like this tomorrow. Should I just wait it out or do you know any tips to get rid of this swelling?

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When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, it took almost a full week for the swelling to go down. I was very freaked out as well, but that's how long they told me it would take.

I really think taking advil or some such painkiller helps keep the swelling from increasing, but doesn't get rid of it.

So waiting it out seems to be the only thing you can do. I hated it - but have to say it's great that I got it done and over with.

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Hi there.


If your dentist did not prescribe anti-biotics, I would suggest seeing a doctor if the swelling doesn't seem to be getting any better. And yes, any anti inflamatory may help, but the smart thing would probably be to either revisit your dentist for a follow up, or see your doctor.

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