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What qualities do girls look for in guys?

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Hi im 14 and i was wondering what girls look for in a boy, the qualities that girls like to see (i.e. good looks, sense of humour, popularity amongst others etc). Anything that will honestly make a girl like a certain boy more than the others.


I suppose this question is mainly aimed at all of the female members but any comments are more than welcome!



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Hey there!


Well, what i look for in a guy...hmm...mind you i am 19, a bit older...but when i was that age...i looked for a sense of humor, someone i was comfortable with, someone who was honest and treated me good. Personality meant more to me than looks.


I am this helps!


Good luck hon!





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I just turned 15. And when I looked for guys that I just found attractive physically the relationships never worked out. So lately I've been getting to know them more on a personality basis. It seems to work out so much better. I love guys that are fun, and goofy sometimes, but can also have a serious, deep conversation once in a while. And one who is themself and never acts or treats people differently when others are around. They have to have a happy personality that attracts people to them in that way, but they can't always be hunky-dorry when it comes to optimism. If a guy acts like he's the happyest most satisfied person in the world, it gets kind of annoying and unrealistic after a while. He has to be able to tell me his problems and take my advice, but at the same time listen to my problems and be there for me. And just a bit of advice for you, it's ok to be friends with lost of girls, but if you like one in particular, don't be flirting with the rest of them too. Girls hate it when they have a thing with someone, and the guy flirts with all the other girls. Hope this helped!

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hey, Im around your age, and what i like in a guy is:

(but just remember this is my opion, that doesnt mean that you have to TRY to be these things, they have to come naturel)



-good humor

-tall and attractive

-treats boys and girls equally

-is NOT self centerd

-like animals

-cares for his family and his friends

-confident but not TOO confident

-sensitive but not TOO sensitive

-isnt all about sports





-LOVES or i guess likes HORROR movies

- not a trouble maker

- tough and can defend himself and other people

-isnt afraid to stand up for himself and others



the whole popularity thing .....well screw that, I seriously dont give a damn if hes popular or not. I prefer the different kid. the outcasts. becuz their NOT like every other guy in school.


yea yeah yeah lol i know im pretty picky...but hey, thats me. I mean not all men have to be ALL these things....just the things that are important, i know i'll never find a guy that has all those qualities, cuz there is no perfect man

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im 13 and I have a problem. Im not the most attractive of guys and Im very self conscious. I really like this girl at school and she is really hot and popular. What do girls like in guys? How is the best way to ask her out on a date when she doesnt even notice me?


If any girls have any advise that would be great.

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Hey mate i no how ur feelin.

I find that Girls like it if you notice them and treat them nicely, be caring towards them.

Dont ask her out yet, the best thing to do is to just smile at her when you see her around school then one day when she is on her own or with a small number of friends just go up to her and start talking, if she is a nice person then she wont be rude or ignore you.

Ask for her phone number then when you get it call her a few days later and ask her out or just talk if your not comfortable with asking her out.


You will eventually get the courage to tell her how you feel and find out how she feels. If you dont want to tell her then text it to her or write her a letter or note.


Good Luck!! and PM me to tell me how it goes!

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OK, looks can be important, but they aren't the most important thing, I promise you - not just saying this. I'm not going to talk about what I like looks-wise because that varies from girl to girl, so here are a few personality points:



-Not a bully

-Good with kids

-Not teasing

-Can laugh at himself

-Admits when he can't do something


-CLEAN - I don't mean tidy, but he has to at least be clean

- Seems interested in you


Some of those are obvious, I know, but I just thought I'd include them. But I will be honest, looks do count in one way or another. Good dress sense and hair style, plus confidence, will make you seem better looking though. Honestly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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