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use a condom in oral sex??

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Yes you should use a condom. STD's are a major problem and you can but condoms that are thin so you can still get senual pleasure.


You most definitely do not want a STD showing on your mouth. so use a condom.


Check out the penis as well for anything that shouldn't be there. Look under the foreskin and check for blemishes or spots, sores etc...


It's better to be safe than sorry.

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I never use condoms...I've been with my guy for awhile though. I don't think guys like it when you do. But I also gave a few other ones where I wasn't dating the guy before, and never got anything. It is possible though, and I wasn't aware of that. Just know what the guy is into, and who he's been with.

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A guy has to understand that if he's had a history with a few women you are at risk. Can you imagine if he has herpes? It's not visible at times and if you do give him a blow job you are at risk. A condom will prevent any contamination, but even condoms during sex aren't enough to stop all STD's, since some only need genital contact and the condom does not cover the entire penis, only the shaft.


Anyway it's all up to you, but I can bet a man prefers a blow without one.

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