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Snooping vs. Truth


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Going by your avatar, I'm just as baffled as you are, as to why he'd do such a thing... seriously!


There is an old saying that goes something like...


"No matter how beautiful a person may be, there is someone who is tired of them."


This is obviously one persons lost and anothers gain.

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My bf I just broke up with was because I snooped, If i didnt I would have never known and it could of gone on for god knows how long......


I had a gut feeling, just knew it, saw condoms were missing out his drawer so looked in his phone....never felt more sure otherwise I wouldnt of snooped.........


Sure i confronted him before I told him what I knew, and he lied and denied it as I thought he would.........


A person who has nothing to hide hides nothing......

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Personally I think both are wrong snooping and being unfaithful Ive been there and done that I was the snooper and I was wrong for snooping although I did run into some hurtful things but nothing too awful to end my relationship it was all about porn and dating sites. The porn is okay with me now but the dating sites arent and we fought and he said dont look if you dont want to get hurt we argued all the time. Finally I found truth to what he said and quit snooping and quit thinking about it and the relationship has never been better I learnt to trust him and he started trusting me when I stopped snooping all it does is hurt you and its not worth it. Sometimes peoples mind wonders and as long as they literally didnt cheat you cant blame them for being human.

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