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having a panic attack...please read

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It's a great big world out there and we are just small little flecks of dust hovering in the heat of the light, yet reflecting all the brilliance of the sun like multi colored diamonds. Whatever happens, remember that ultimately you only have to answer to one: yourself. If you are your biggest critic, then that is terrible; you should be your biggest advocate. Think about all those wonderful characteristics that make you uniquely you. Worrying about the things that you have no control over is like trying to put out a fire with acetone. It ignites and consumes you so that you worry about the things you have control over. Thus starts a terrible spiral.

Whenever you feel those feelings of being disconnected from yourself and anxious, do this: breathe slowly and think about how the worse thing that could happen is not nearly as bad as the how you are feeling at the present. As far as talking in front of a large crowd there are a few techniques that work. An old tried and true method is imagining everyone in the audience is naked. Another is to seek out a several pleasing faces before you speak, and then casting your gaze amongst these friendly faces as you speak. Imagine that your audience is just a bunch of kindergarten age children and you are the teacher.

There are always solutions... feeling desperate and anxious is never one of them.

Formulate a plan.

Be flexable

Skip stones


Relax skillfully

Do whatever it takes

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Hi Lilu - Your post actually DOES make sense and I get it entirely too well.


I don't know that I'll have any advice beyond the comforting words. And I don't know if it helps you to know that soooo many people have been where you are.


Some times, when I feel like your post sounded, I HAVE to throw it all out.


I know that sounds like the most in-opportune time to STOP thinking about the things you have to do, the deadlines you have to meet, the class you're supposed to be in etc. but...this is when you HAVE to let it all go.


Panic attacks are no fun. They are scary and can be really debilitating. I know.


Try to relax and do something entirely UN-related to thinking about the stressful stuff. Go see a movie. Watch a movie at home.


Only when you feel relaxed should you try to deal with the issues ONE AT A TIME.


When you're feeling better and more relaxed, write it all down so you have a reference of things you have on your plate and then, just take it step by step.


I hope you feel better soon. You really have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of. Seriously.

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Thank you so much, Ta. I always get very emotional, and sometimes I find it hard to breathe wile I talk or type, and ends up confusing people. That's why I thought my post didn't make sense. I appreciate your words, it defenitely helps a lot. One thing I forgot to mention was that when I feel like that, I end up slouching on the couch, with junk food in hand. I end getting sick to my stomach. Though at the time I am eating it, I feel some level of calmess, but I guess is fake sense of calmness.

It is why I feel old, and fat, because of not taking action on keeping active.


I have taken your advice and am trying not to think about what's stressing me, at least today. Knowing that I will have to deal with it tomorrow, and so forth. One thing that's happening at the moment, that is taking my off things, is that I JUST FOUND OUT MY CAT IS PREGNANT, and is going to have the kitties or kitty any time now. I was seating down and she keept looking for me, so I noticed her in pain and disconfort, and her belly that really doesnt show much because she's gotten heavy. I am happy to have another kitty (ies) because they sure bring joy.


I want to do laundry and sort out my room, but I feel more like going to the movies with boyfriend. Maybe take a drive to his, and take him out on a date. I like doing -he loves it and surprises him. My point- I will do anything and everything to take my mind off stress. Because I can't seem to concentrate and do anything when I panic.


Thank you again. It means a lot.

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