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Visiting a Psyhic

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I personally don't believe in fortune telling, it's just basically power of suggestion and I wouldn't get involved with it at all. Say if someone told you that you will meet someone of the opposite sex whos mexican and he will sweep you off your feet thats what you will look for in the future you will subcontiously look out for whatever the "fortune teller" told you and with a hefty price that came with it.


Yes I do believe their are good fortune tellers who use their gift for good will to predict natural disasters and such but then there are people feeding off naive people who think that knowing the future will solve their problems. You make your future I believe.



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Self-proclaimed psychics are usually not really psychics at all. I've gone to "psychics" before, but with the knowledge that this is just for fun and it probably won't bring about anything. Sometimes I am surprised by what they know, but it is usually so general that once they tell you something about your past, you add in to it and they take it from there.

Those who can truly see into the future are a lot less likely to be selling it to the masses. Psychics can be fun and interesting to go to, but I wouldn't take it as much more than that. I agree with millionaire_bek85, you make your own future.

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Yea. First of all, I personally don't know how anyone can know your future. I think the way it works is that if you believe something a psychic tells you, you will be on the look out for that thing. And if it happens out of pure coincidence, you will think its because the psychic told you. Then you might base your future and life according to these predictions. Get what Im saying?

Well from personal experience with some supernatural Sh*t that I tried once, I am against anything supernatural for the fact that I believe it messes with your head. You make yourself believe what isn't reality.


Well, Good Luck with whatever you do.

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i researched this myself, mostly out of whim (which is what most of my life pursuits come from, lol) and the psychic i went to told me various things, she told me general things about my pass, and a few about the present, and a little about the future


but before she told me any of this, i came in and questioned her about various things, and she told me that a psychic can only read possible futures, and simply taking a wrong turn could throw you off the told fate,


i was also told to ask all the questions i need, and to stay very very skeptic when dealing with any "psychic" cause there are alot of liars out there, and novices that improvise


now as for the reading itself, the past and the present was in the ballpark, and the future said i was going to find a woman out there someday and i did, and i went on a few dates with her, but went no further then that, lol


take from that what you will, but if you do see a psychic then just remember to stay skeptic, and don't trust the mysterious psychic type, and talk with him or her before you get the reading, but do know in fact talk to a couple of them, and compare the information they give

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