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Hate being single


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Can I ask you a question?


Do you think that you can only be a person in your own right if you are in love? Because that's how you sound.


You almost make out that without being in a relationship you are worthless and if so then you need to work at this because every human being is a fabulous person in their own right and without having to be in a relationship.


You need to work on your self-esteem and I think that your gf is doing the right thing by listening to her family and friends, because after all their know her a lot better than you and only want her to be happy and have the best. Perhaps you come over too clingy and wanting her all the time and they are concerned that she will be trapped a little...Maybe you are a little too possessive?


But definitely think about the first question and if the answer is yes, ask yourself why?

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I agree with everything sabena has said. You seem to be in love with her, which is a good thing, all the romance is good.


Im no one to judge because I don't know the situation too well, but from what it sounds like, you might be a little obsessive, clingy, and possesive over her. You make it sound like you need her to live. Which may put alot of pressure on her. It could have scared her scared and made her back off.


My suggestion is to work on your own life without her. Relationships are not supposed to complete you, they are meant to add essense to the life you already have.


Sometimes a relationship needs more than roses, and sweet letters. It needs more than the pretty picture and the drama. Sometimes it needs casualty and normality.


Well I dont know if I helped or if my advice helped any, but good luck anyways and i hope it all turns out for the best in the end.



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You know, at first I really hated being single. Especially after the nasty break-up that I had went through. I found myself trying to replace her every step of the way, but something inside me kept stopping me from even getting into anything that not only I would regrett, but I did not want to hurt the other person. After time, I found who I was again, and am enjoying it to some degree. In that process I discovered that friendships not only fill that void, but I rediscovered that those people define a large part of who you are. And through those people I can express myself, and my feelings and be happy again. It made me realize that one person cannot make you, or make you complete. It's been seven months since I have dated, and I do not forsee anything in the future. I have had many opportunities to go after women, but I hold back because I want to make sure that I am happy and realize that I am not alone in the least bit. I still have hard times, but at least I know that I am very happy doing the things that I love, and that no one person can replace or fill a void of who I am. As far as the slef esteem issue.... Find yourself. Then the self esteem will come flooding in. Trust me. I may not be that attractive to some people, while others find me very attractive, that's personal preference, but I do know that portaying the confindent, know who you are you, and things will look up!

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