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i can see that you really love her and would do anything to help her, why dont you go out with her and her mates to clubs, tell her that she doesnt have to stop going to the club if she want to have just to have some fun, but she doesnt have to drink alcohol to have it either.

you could try other things instead of going clubbing in the evenings try activities, for a meal or jsut stay in and watch a chick flick with some popcorn; most girls like them it might bring you even closer together.


i dont know if i have been of any help, hope i have



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Hi there,


It is frustrating to watch someone you love go down a destructive path.


I deal with alcoholics and drug addicts a lot. The most painful part for me, is letting go with love.


All you can do on your part is make a suggestion of going to A.A, or treatment. Remind her that she is dealing with a diease, and it isn't going to get better, only worse. One is to many, and a thousand isn't enough. Also remind her that it isn't something that is cureable. If someone can't eat strawberries because of allergies, that isn't going to change or be any different 6 months or 6 years down the road. The allergy will be activated the next drink. Our sick minds will often make excuses in our heads saying that I can just stick to wine, or beer. Stay off the whiskey. There can be NO alcohol. It triggers it all over again. Even cough medicine will do this if it has alcohol in it.


Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to make her hit her bottom and realize what is happening. You can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. It's up to her to keep herself out of the slippery places she is going to.


The best path for you to take if she is not willng to seek help, is to stand back away from the wreckage. You will just be a hostage. You can only re-inforce to her that you are there for her when she decides that she wants to make the change.


This diease affects people right to the mind, body and spirit. It's sad. Try getting her into the AA rooms. It's really the only place alcoholics can go for treatment that works.



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