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its a poem, sort of


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Get me away from here

Away from this place

These problems

These fears

These doors always closed

These windows always open

For people to eavesdrop

On my so-called life

But what they hear

Is not really me

I'm living in someone else's existence

Forced to hide behind

A masquerade

Day after day after day

I'm so young

And already I question

Who am I?

Everything that was once so strong

Everything I once held onto

Just vanished

Get me away from here

Away from these questions

And these tears

And these people who don't even

Understand or care

Just let me go



---This is for anyone who has ever felt this way. Please don't judge. Just try to understand.---



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i understand completely, this peom is like for one of those times that everything just seams to be coming at once and everything just keeps going down hill and thats when you need a friend the most! just to answer every question that you have and just to give you some ensurence!



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