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So how did you start off?

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Before you were in a relationship, how did it all start out? From the time you saw the girl/guy, to the time you decided to take action and see if it would all work out?

I thought it would be an interesting thing if people shared their stories.


Include things such as how long you've known each other before getting together, and in general how it all started.



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With my fiance' I went to a dance club and was sitting at the bar. I went with a few friends and one of them-the guy Rob I talk about on here sometimes-approached three girls he knew. My fiance was one of them. I saw her from behind, big blond hair, nice butt, slim figure, and I got off the stool, walked over to the group, and introduced myself. It wasn't too hard, especially since Rob was already talking to them. I started chatting with Katy, my fiance', and she seemed like a lot of fun. I asked her if she wanted to dance and the rest was history.


I asked her later what it was about me that caused her to be interested in me, and she said that she liked the way I felt comfortable talking to people and that I smiled a lot. Plus it didn't hurt that I dressed nice and smelled good, lol!


I also didn't mess around. At the end of the night I wanted her number and I got it from her. I called her later, kept the phone conversation short, and set up a date.

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i was bestfriends since 4th grade with my ex i ended up liking her freshman year told her but she didnt like that idea...i hung on and hung out with her alot...i did alot of fun stuff with her like 4 wheeling and stuff and flirted alot then we became to just lay on the couch alot and cuddle then one day we kissed and talked about our feelings and got together broke up over the summer got back together and were togetehr for a year in a half both lost our virginitys to eachother and both our fist loves we broke up 4 months ago and decided to move on 3 weeks ago and now we dont even talk cuz we got in a fight

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Here's the story of my boyfriend and me:


I did a room change my freshman year in college and moved in with 3 other girls. I got close with one in particular and we, as friends do, shared photos and stories with one another. She always talked about this really funny and outrageous called "Bean" who was friends with her boyfriend (her boyfriend and Bean lived either in the same suite or right next door their freshmen years; they are a year older than us).


One day she was showing me some photos online of her boyfriend and all his friends, all along pointing out who was who. I saw what this Bean guy looked like, and while I wasn't gah-gah, I did think he had a quirkiness about him.


She and I ended up living together up until our junior year of college. During our last month in the spring semester living in the dorms, she had rented an apartment and decided to have a housewarming party. Naturally, she invited her boyfriend and all his friends too. At the spur of the moment, I decided to go to the party, just to make an appearance.


I was there chilling on a couch talking to a few people, when Bean walked in with beer and all his buddies. I approached the group of friends and introduced myself and from then on we began talking. We chatted all night and got pretty close pretty fast (we didn't hook up or kiss or anything like that).


When the party was over, my friend's boyfriend decided to crash at her place and all his friends agreed to as well (since they were drinking and lived 1 hr away). The thing was the floor in her apartment was hardwood. Bean was going to sleep on the floor with no blanket and no pillow when I offered him a spot on the queen sized mattress with me. I told him he could touch me, or even cross the imaginary bed line.


We stayed up all night talking and he didn't even try to cross the line, no pun intended. We woke up the next day and all his friends were like "yeah man" and I was confused until I found out later that he had a reputation of getting around with some ladies. It actually flattered me how he didn't try anything with me though because it showed he respected me.


We traded AIM names and proceeded to talk online (using a webcam too) for hours a day all week when he invited me to come over for the weekend. That's when we started dating, that Saturday I guess, only a week after we'd met.

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