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Have you had the experience of meeting (and liking) someone at the "right place, at the wrong time"?


i.e: You met someone you really liked, and that someone likes you back, but due to circumstances, you cannot be together (ie. you're attached, that someone is attached). Ala Romeo and Juliet scenario.

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OH YES YES YES!....lol indeed, this has happened to me.

I met this guy nearly 14 years ago. When we met, I swear it was love at first sight....But, I was two years into seeing someone I really adored. So I just did the right thing...and stayed with my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I broke up about a year later.

Then I swear this is true, had not talked to "the love at first sight guy" in almost a year....my car broke down (no where near where he lives) and he happens to drive bye, sees me and "saves" me!!! I about died...talk about fate. But, as you can guess...he was seeing someone...

So we talked on the phone a lot, then I moved out of the state. We have kept in touch over all these years......he is in NY, I am in CA....we have so much connection....just never has never been the "right" time. ...and yes now we are both single...but...we both have lives where we are....sigh.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am also in the exact position. I have been out with by bf 3 years and I think i am falling in love with this other guy, but I am not sure what to do because i have talked to him before when my bf and i took time apart and stil went back with my bf. Now i am bored with him and not knowing what to do cause when we split up I miss him like crazy but when we are together i do not want to be. I hate to say this but i am actually starting to hate this whole love thing and my life. SO many decisions to make right now and so little time. stressful

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  • 2 months later...

Well...it was more of the "wrong place, wrong time" for me. We live five hundred miles apart and we're too young to do anything about it. Also, everyone is urging against us...but they don't know what this love is really like. On top of that, she's seeing someone whom she really is not attracted to, but is her friend. She doesn't want to hurt her friend's feelings. A modern day Romeo and Juliet, I guess...a forbidden love. And I love every moment of it.

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