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Hey guys


I get cramps in my feet quite a bit (most particularly in my toes) and they are always cold. I try and wear socks or slippers where I can but yeah, I'm not sure what else to do...


This has been happening ever since I was younger and I was wondering if anyone knows what I can do to combat this?



Feel free to ask further questions if you need clarification.

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I have Raynaud's Phenomenon, otherwise known as "red white and blue" syndrome. What happens is you suffer from severe vasoconstriction spasms of the blood vessels (primarily in the hands) and your fingers first turn red, then white, than blue. It's very painful. The episodes tend to last a few minutes, but can last longer in severe cases. It's aggravated by exposure to cold, caffeine, etc.


The reason I asked about your hands is that though Raynaud's can affect feet, it is generally seen much more frequently in the hands.


The other options as Monet Lisa mentioned are hypothyroidism or diabetes, though by the time diabetes causes claudication (the intermittant pain you feel) it is usually well established (i.e. 7 or more years) and you would have more dramatic symptoms long before that.


It wouldn't hurt to have your thyroid checked though.

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With hypokalemia (low potassium) generally you may have cramping in the legs, but would likely also see abdominal distention, have some constipation (due to your GI tract slowing down) and cardiac arrythmias too. (irregular heart rate with possible palpitations.)


Everyone has had some good suggestions, I think the best thing is to have a visit to your doctor, request some blood work, including an electrolyte panel (to check the potassium level), thyroid, and fasting blood glucose.


Let us know what happens, ok?

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