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Anal bleeding

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its not that easy. i have agrophobia.


Could you perhaps call your doctor, explain the situation and have him come out to have a look at you? Either that or call NHS direct if you are not registered with a doctor, they can sometimes give you advice over the phone as to the most likely explanation for your problem.

However its going to be pretty difficult for them to diagnose you over the phone. would it help if a friend or a relative accompanied you?

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NHS direct is a service in the UK that is open 24hrs, it is seen as an alternative to going to the casualty department. Why don't you call them - the number will be in your phone book and see if they think you need to go to the hospital? If so ask a friend to take you or explain the situation to the nurse and perhaps they could think of an alternative for you?

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humm try to put your fear aside and think that a doc is there to help you.. I know.. easier said then done.. but bleeding there is not normal so you should really try to ask a friend to drive you.. Try to force yourself. you are doing this for your health, it could get worse if you dont check it out.. Do you eat a lot of dry food?


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i dont have any meds. it helped when a friend drove me. i couldnt handle a hospital. they terrify me. its too late at nite to call a doctor.


I can't say for sure, but this sounds as though it could be an upper GI bleed, which can be quite serious if you don't see the doctor right away. I know it's scary, but you might want to think about what is scarier, bleeding internally with no help or intervention, or trying to stay in control while you go and have it checked out.


Do you live with your parents?


It's never too late to call your doctor, if he is not on call the service at his office will page someone who is covering for him. It's important that you get this checked out right away.

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