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ok..i wasnt too sure where this topic would go under, so i just put it here...theres gotta be someone who knows about hair on this site...i'm sick of my brown hair and i look at pictures when i was about 2-5 yrs old and i had pretty blonde blonde hair. i miss it! i was wondering if anyone knew what kind of hair color product i could buy to die it blonde..like a kind a could get a drug store or supermarket..let me know! thanks.


* Sarah

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I would try the same company that makes the "Root Touch-Ups", so that you can be sure that you can get the same beautiful color that is covering the rest of your head, without having to completely re-dye. Does anyone know what the company is?

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Going from brown to blonde is best done in a salon. If you want to do it yourself use a permanent color but it's best to go one to two shades lighter than your current color. If you go too light it may not come out as you expect. Tons of products out there, pick one and see what happens.

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I personally don't like that slightly yellow/white hair, I think it looks bad. If your talking about that WHITE WHITE granny hair, that is a turn off (maybe it's just me, I'm not speaking for all guys here I just think most think it's ugly).


Brown hair looks good, why dye it blonde?

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