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Just don't know

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alright here goes every morning I have to catch a bus to get to class and there is a very attractive girl who catches the bus at the same time


I usually talk to one of my classmates or listen to headphones while at the stop but seemingly everytime i look in her direction she is looking me....i also see her looking at me while im on the bus it happens countless times a day in the morning...in the afternoon....if i see her around the building


my problem is i just cannot read this girl's intentions for the life of me

and i cant find an opening to talk to her


at the very least I want to know her but being shy and slightly uncomfortable because she always seems to be focused on me i dont know what to do


any suggestions would be appreciated

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I think she thinks your attractive at LEAST. Seems like she might also want to get to know you, depending on her actions...you know those things women do to get your attention, make you notice them, etc. Good luck, yeah like kung fu said introduce yourself, create some small talk.

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You say she is constantly staring at you? Well surely that is a sign that she finds you attractive!


There is really only one way to find out for sure if she likes you, and that is to go up to her and introduce yourself! If she has a nice personality and you like her then you can then ask her if she would like to go out with you sometime. If she is interested then she will almost certainly say yes!

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