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Exams and hormones

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In your experience, what do you usually do when your thoughts are totally devoted to a girl or many girls, or you are horny or infatuated - in few words, all those bothering and stressing things that are not desirable right a few days before your exams start? What do you do do help yourself out of this?

Especially knowing that if you would have NOT met that girl you would feel better right now, and that this is the exam of your life, and if you fail or don't use your maximum potentia you're in DEEP trouble and depressed for the rest of your life?

What do you do?


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Oh man, I know how you feel. All these thoughts (especially girls I have "feelings" for) always come up at the wrong time. What I usually try to do is do the things I would least likely expect to do with these thoughts (study hard, play alot of video games, etc.) all at once. But that might only work just for me, but then again, it wouldnt hurt...much . All in all, don't worry too much about it, when something this important comes up, I usually just stop thinking about everything else, exept for that thing when it happens.

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I totally understand how you feel! I can't offer any advice as I am in the same situation - only i'm distracted by boys, three of them to be precise, an ex, a friend (who keeps wanting to be more than), and a invisible b/f. Organic Chemistry exam is just twenty hours away, and all week, my head goes round in circles. Throwing oneself into studying I will admit is difficult when such thoughts - especially combined with hormonal urges (yes girls get that too...) keep interrupting. i imagine you find yourself slipping into daydreams while staring into the book, and those around you would sware that you are studying hard, except that you never turn a page. I find going for a quick run helps sweep away the cob webs, but other than that...heck i need adivice on that one too.

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