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Does ignoring someone really work?

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Im jsut curious . . My ex and i broke up about 2 months ago almsot... and she still messeges me on MSN quite regulariyly but I never respond .. How true is it that girls and people are atracted to people they cant have and ignore them? Because even though i never message her .. she still messeges me thinking I will.

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I believe people ar often attracte dto what is a challange, or hard to get. So by u ignoring her it may be makin her want u more. But are u over her or do u want to get back together? U never mentioned that. But yes in my opinion it does make someone want u more

"u always want what u cant have"

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dunno if its that simple Metallic .. some girls will jsut be like that i think .. they doint want the relationship, but they want the friednship. The thing im confused about is whihc one she wants .. the relationship back .. or the Friendship.

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Well, you can talk to her, watch for her hints, that's pretty much the only way she's interested. Or if she isn't throwing 'em out then you can ask her out, she says no that's friends only of course. But hey, the only to know if she's interested or not, is to watch her body language around you in person, or ask her out. You pick.

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I think by what it sounds like she is still intereted in you. Why dont u just aske her if she wants to be with u again or not?? What do u have to lose, ur not with her right now, and not talking to her so u have nothing to lose. Just try talking to her when she messages u and see what she wants. And yes, i know it sounds dumb but girls really do like guys that ignore them or dont seem interested, its a challenge and us girls always seem to fall for that. So just talk to her and see what she wants, it sounds like shes still into u, go for it u have nothin to lose!!!

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I am not a big fan of playing games and then wondering what the heck is going on.....why not just come and ask her how she is feeling about things?


Really, what have you got to lose at this point? You are already broken up, so that's done, maybe you can talk and see where she stands, and who knows what will happen?

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Ok so heres all teh reasons I think she wants me back but im not sure ..


1) She continues to message me even though I dont respond

2) Shes kept all my emails that Ive sent her from when we were dating and she put them in a folder in her email account after the breakup

3) She still wheres the watch and necklace that i gave her

4) She still has my pictures in her school binder


You think all these reasons area sure sign shes not over me . .or are some girls jsutliek that?

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