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why'd she lie about being a virgin?

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I agree with Heretic.


for some reason I get the impression that we are talking about your own situation caliboy. I can't help but think it's not really that big a deal. So what if she's not a virgin? - What does it matter? - If you feel that attracted to her does it really matter? - If it does then thats just putting your own desires before hers and that will put the relationship in danger. Just chill out. Ok, so she might be a quality used good, but who cares, she's still human - Don't miss out on a good thing because you have a problem with it.

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she lied to a guy I knew before her and I got close. she didn't lie to me about it, in fact when it came up between us, she told me she wasn't a virgin and told me that she slept with 2 guys before me (including the guy she lied to about being a virgin). it doesn't matter to me that she's not a virgin, cause i feel she's still quality (as long as there isn't a huge list of guys she's slept with). I'm just more concerned as to her lying about it and what else she'd lie about and to who.

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Well if you can't trust her you can't be in a relationship with her. Trust is key. What important to understand is SHE DIDN'T LIE TO YOU. In fact she trusts you enough to tell you she lied to someone else about something they felt was important. This says to me she will be honest with you. Don't mistrust her because of things she's done. People change.

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Okay yikes... This doesn't sound good now... Ummmm I think the important thing to figure out is if you can put that behind you. If you can then good, if you can't then you guys shouldn't be in any SERIOUS relationship. Just try to understand her side of the story, ask her about it even, but be coy. Frankness could hurt and/or scare her away.

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ya it is scary, but the fact is she told me the truth about who she'd been with and didn't lie and tell me she was a virgin. I'll bring it up one day with her casually and see what she says. Besides it was over a couple years ago.

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