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two minor problems


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This girl that i like just agreed to go out with me. There are a couple things that im a little concerned about though.


1) her parents are very protective, and they wont let her go out if they are not there or if its a group.


2) right now we are just going out casually, and i want to know how i can become closer to her. (this is especially hard since her parents are gonna be watching my every move)


any help would REALLY be appreciated

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I agree with FuriousSam... Spend time getting to know her parents. Find out what interests they have, etc, and work that into conversation when you can (just don't be obvious about it, if you can help it). Be sure to answer any questions they have, and let them get to know you.


Yeah, in a way, it may seem like you're dating her parents along with her, but if they are protective, then you have to calm those fears...

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Metallicaguy, I have to say that I wish I had known about this before... Seriously, I read through that and it describes things to a tee. Past relationships always petered out or whatever, partly because I started being the 'nice' guy and it was like that was when everything went to heck... Now, I can see some of those things form that site in some of the things I would do, but I never realized how 'close' I was to hitting the mark.... The really cool thing about this info is that you can use it even if you're just trying to be friends or just trying to get to know someone...


Wow... The lightbulb finally sparks... ;-)

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