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OK how do i talk to her about this

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Okay this involves the story in this past thread:

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OK tomarrow we are going to be at the same movie...How should I approach this? What do I need to say to her about it? Or do i need to say anything at all about it? Or should I even plan about saying something to her and just wait and see what happens?


Any help is much apreciated! Thanks

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Just be cool and calm down - greet her with somethin like "hey sup?"

I'm guessing you two know that both of you are going to the same movie, so when you two get in the theatre, just joke around or something and say something like "save me a seat will ya? thanks" *wink*


Now since you've initiated conversations sort of... jokingly aggressively, time to back off a little - be more assertive, you two won't have time to talk because of the movie, but after, when your both are coming out; ask her - "hey, next time - wanna go see (movie title)?"

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