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losing interest?

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My boyfriend told me awhile ago that he isnt trying to be superficial but i'm the most beautiful person hes ever seen. Well its never been about looks to us but he used to tell me im beautiful all the time. Now he only says it when i tell him that he looks good. I think hes just saying it because he feels he had to say something equal about me. I know this may sound like i want to be the center of attention but i just want to know if hes losing interest.

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Well first I would say that your b/f is a punk for saying it to you like that. Yeah everyone has seen a person that they think is "hot" or whatever and are in a relationship, but to flat out tell your s/o that they aren't the most beautiful person is pretty harsh. If he has stopped complementing you then yes I would say that he is either loosing interest or having some type of issues in his head about you. You may want to sit him down and have a talk with him and see if he is still interested in being with you or not.

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