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(how can u tell if a guy is interested) please reply!!!!!!!!

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lets c well ive noticed about guys and what they do to me if they like me


1. They stare and smile at you

2. If they talk to you they may be acting weird like shy , or nervous

3. They'll pick on you

4. If your in sports and they go to you game and cheer for you well........

5. And well if you like e-mail me and ill tell u how u can get him to ask u out

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There are too many signs to list my dear! You can visit

link removed. 198 tips for you to pick from!


More importantly, what kind of guy is he? The shy guy or the bold guy? Is he a big flirt? Or is he horribly shy in front of crushes? Is he popular? among girls? Has he had a girlfriend before? How old is he? Does he hang out with a large group of friends? Or a close circle of pals? Until you tell us more about him and his actions, what we can do for you is limited.


For example, you can very well expect a bold guy to make the first move, so smiling at him and waiting for him to come over will be a good strategy for shy people. The same cannot be said if the guy is shy. You'll have to make the first move.


So more info please, otherwise we can only help you by giving general answers which are as good as no answer at all.

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i'm shy and more reserved, so if i see a girl i like, i do the basics like smile at her, maybe even make small talk with her while if we're at a party. for guys like me, it's best if the girl can reciprocate the flirting since guys like me aren't very good at it... let us know we're not making a fool of ourselves, lol.

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