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Do Looks Matter


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it all depends on personal preference I think. You have to be attracted to someone to want to date them or be with them, but what each person finds attractive differs among people. It doesn't mean that a person has to be extremely good looking, but attraction must be there. All girls, even if they deny it have a type. And every girl's type is different. But personality is so much more important. Looks get in you in the door, but you won't stay there for long unless you've got more to offer, unless the girl is empty and stupid.

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You know, there's probably a million shy, good looking guys and girls who can't stand hearing that personality crap all the time (even if its true )


people think its mean and wrong to talk about good looks and bad looks like if you say "I only like good looking people" then they call you a jerk. But its perfectly ok to say "I want someone with a good personality"


Which is the worse insult? : "You're ugly" or "You've got no personality"


saying "You've got no personality" to a shy person is like saying they are ugly to their face.

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