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Hair loss - Nisim vs. Rogaine vs. Propecia??

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I've been paranoid about hair loss for a long time. Lately I notice that I seem to be thinning in the front. My hair was once very thick and now I notice it thinning a bit. Only in the front. The back of my head is very full.


Has anyone tried any of these products and if so, did they help?


I'm wondering if these products are just modern day snake oil?


Has anyone had success or miserable consequences?


Does anyone know where I can find clinical lab results or success ratios?


I'm 28 and people tell me its normal but I'm really noticing my scalp showing a lot more in the front. I KNOW I'm thinning and want to stop it if I can......

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I'm told that no kind of medication can cure the "receding hairline" type of baldness. I myself have the "standard" type that starts in the back and then goes to the temples. I've had really, really, really good luck with Rogaine. People tell me all the time that my hair looks thicker and fuller since I've started using it. It did make my hair a couple shades darker, much drier, and the texture isn't what it used to be. But at least it's still there.

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I use minoxidil you can buy at Costco (Kirkland brand) and that works for me for my hair in the front. I don't have a bald spot in the crown, it's just in the front at my hairline a little bit. I use that stuff 1-2 times/day and after a month or two you start to notice it working. It's kind of a hassle to use cause the stuff drips down your face, you have to constantly wipe it off until it settles, but it works for me.


Some other things with me, I noticed when the seasons change (spring to summer and especially summer-winter) I lose a little hair but then it comes back afterwards. Also make sure you get enough sleep, exercise and eat right. AND DONT STRESS - that'll cause your hair to fall out.


Also if you're going to use minoxidil (or some other prodcut you drip onto your hair) it helps A LOT to shave your head (not skin head, but a buzz cut) in order to get it directly to your head. Plus a shaved head looks better (hides better) any hair loss.

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Thanks fellas!


I've been doing research on-line and they claim that minoxidil doesn't help the frontal receding hairline? Is there anyone else who has had good results for frontal receding?


Caliboy.....You have tried minoxidil for your receding hairline and it has worked? Did you say you used the Kirkland brand?


I haven't noticed any hair on my pillow or in the shower. I notice my scalp appears to be showing more? It might have a lot to do with stress, nutrition and exercise. I need to eat better and work out more. I'm hoping this is only temporary.


I'm 28 almost 29 and all of my friends think I'm being paranoid but I notice a difference and I want to stop it before it gets really bad.

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Ya I used minoxidil for my receeding hairline (although not that bad, I just want to get it before it progressed) and it worked well. I read the minoxidil instructions and it only really talks about using it on the crown, although why shouldn't it work on the hairline portion? They're all the same type of hair follicles... So I tried it and it worked.


The kind I use is the Costco brand of Rogaine - poduced by Kirkland a 5% minoxidil.


I noticed when I started to eat more crap food and not work out as more my hair would thin a little. I kind of imagine it as my body not pumping blood through veins and capillaries, so bloods not getting to parts (my head) as much as it has. After a good work out and run your head, face and body is all warm so you've got blood pumping getting into those areas it may not have been getting to before. Plus crap food (ie. fast food, junk food) isn't giving you the nutrients and vitamins you and your hair/hair follicles (and body or that matter) may need to function at it best.


My friends and family never noticed anything wrong with my hair either, but you and I notice it cause we look at our hair everyday. Try out the minoxidil for a few months. You really have to stick to it though. I noticed that if I get lazy after it's started working and miss 3,4,5 times, my hair will thin again and I have to start all over again.

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Thank you justagirl!!


Those web sites are a big help.


I think I'm noticing it more due to the stress I've been under the past few months. Everything was fine then I noticed it thinning a bit. No one else notices but I can tell!!


I think I'll check with my doctor and get a few test done?


Thanks again caliboy and justagirl!!

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From what I've read hair loss is strictly related to genes. I know some extremely laid back, relaxed people who are bald.


Somehow I understand that it might be recomforting to look for something to act upon to prevent hair loss, but, as I said, until we can safely apply gene therapy, hair loss remedies seem like a money trap to me.



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  • 5 weeks later...

I just started using Rogaine extra strength. Its actually the Kirkland version, I got a 4 month supply on ebay for a really good price. I had been wanting to give it a try for a while because of a prematurely receeding hairline, and when I saw the generic rogaine at such a good price I couldnt resist. I know it says its for the top of your head and not the hairline, but I figured follicles are follicles, I might as well give it a shot! Its too soon to tell if its gonna do me any good, but I've been using it twice a day everyday. I dont really have any very noticeable hairloss. I have long hair so that kinda covers up my hairline, but I dont want to lose any more. I'm actually 20, but I think my hairline is going on 40! Its given me a bit of dandruff, but that seems to be clearing up a bit

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  • 3 months later...

ya i've been using rogain for about a month now twice daily. I noticed the entire top area is thining. (not a specific spot but pretty much the entire top and front). The rogain does not seem to be working for me. I am going to try that minoxidil

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