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How to get her to like you

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Hi I have this problem, I like this girl and she is really cute. I met her at camp and today I went to a sweet sixteenth and she was there but I could manage to start a conversation with her. I didnt talk to her a long time. She thinks I rich that all she knows, but do you think there is anyways to impress her and make her to like. Thanks

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Hi Josh,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. We should start a celebration now. You have the honor of my 1000th post on eNotalone.com. I am pleased to hear that you really like this young woman. I understand that your question is how to impress her.


I have a quite easy, still effective suggestion for you: be yourself. Walk up to her and say: "Hi my name is Josh. What's your name?" Dont forget to smile. It's a good ice breaker. Then take it from there. Ask her what interests her. Tell her some of your interests. Then see how far you guys relate to each other.


I hope that this helps you. I am so serious about my suggestion. It's really the best thing you could do, but I hope that you will find out trying. Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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swingfox had some great advice but id like to add that you need to just go for it. Ask her for her phone number after you talk to her a bit more, ask her what her plans are for summer, what kind of music she likes, look for common intrests, something you can discuss, to show your even more intrested compliment her on how her hair looks, watch for changes in her appearance day to day as you get to know her more so you can say o i like how your wearing your hair today etc. Dont be condescending but dont put her too high on a pedestal. and again like swingfox said BE YOURSELF good luck, if hope everything works out like you want it to. ~

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