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i have never been able to do anything with a girl....


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i have never been able to do anything with a girl because i get way too nervous anytime i get the chance, and i have had plenty of chances. it is making me pretty desperate. i dont know what to do or how to change this. can you people please give me some advice on how to get rid of being nervous when i get the chance to score with a female? please help!

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The thing that solved my shyness was the realization that I can't go through life like this. To get over your fear, is to let it not bother you. Don't think about the outcome, but just talk to a girl you like. Only you have the power to change who you are...so do it. Good luck!

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Confidence is everything, even at your age. Girls know when you are nervous and sometimes it doesn't help establish that attraction that is necessary to have in a relationship.


Don't worry about it though.. everyone goes through this at one point. Usually they break out of their shell with their first relationship. That's how I was.. I was confident to seek out other women ending my first relationship.


In the meantime, just try and remain confident, funny, and sweet (but not too sweet).

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